a new day

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heya guys right first off I'm sooo sorry about the really late update but i have finished my GCSE's updates will be more frequent anyways enough of that heres a new chapter! enjoy!
Lana woke up in a panic unsure of where she was it was then that reality hit her like a cold bucket of Walter.. she was not in her house but then again she was not in Briarcliff so she should be thankful right? but all she wanted was her home.. and most importantly her Wendy the woman who had left her behind, abandoned by the person she loved most in the world she then sat up and got out of the bed she was hesitant to go out into the living room she was still getting over the fact that Oliver had kissed her she still loved Wendy but was starting to care for Oliver he was kind and seemed to care for her i mean he had risked his job is whole Career just to get her out of her hell i mean... who would do that for someone they had just met? Lana was starting to think into things what did oliver want from her? she started to panic and just wanted to run but where? she started to calm herself down {your fine lana} she then built up the Courage to open the door to the living room only to see oliver making to cups of coffee he looked up at her " morning" he smiled handsomely and then handed her the cup lana smiled back at him and took the cup, { your safe lana he's a good guy} she thought to herself

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