What am i meant to feel

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Heyy sorry for the late update but like I said I have been really Busy lately with exams and all that but here's another update!

.....Lana's POV.......
As I went into Oliver's dark and kinda simple room the feel of dread hung over me why was I still here... Oliver's acting strange and keeps kissing me and saying how I am the one o complete him what does he mean... I want to leave but is that really a good enough reason to level is it? Oliver has not done anything wrong...yet but I don't want to say long enough to find out but where would I go? Back to Wendy? And say what? 'Hi darling no hard feelings about the whole Abandoning me in a asylum' no I have to stay it's not like a have much of a choice.
Oliver's bed was large with dark grey sheets as I walked over and pulled the sheets down and then got into the bed.
For once I felt self but in a weird way I did not trust Oliver but I don't think that he would hart me but I really don't no I don't trust no one and the one person that I did.. She got rid of me like an old toy that someone no longer wanted tears began to fill my eyes I turned my face into one of Oliver's pillows and sobbed quietly did not want Oliver to hear me, I did not want to give him another reason to come into the room I need to plan what I am going to do i will not let anybody hart me ever again so I wiped my tears away and closed my eyes tomorrow would be a long day

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