The start of something new

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Hi guys! Sorry for not being to active had so meany exams and will be bizzy for the next mouth :( but will try and upload when I can love you all!
"What? , Oliver I don't understand"
He smiled sadly " all my life I have waited for someone how could understand me" he looked down at the floor
"I'm not like other man Lana and I no you are not like other woman, your smarter then that you understand" he looked back up at me and smiled
" understand what? Oliver tell me what I am meant to understand"
He placed his hand on my cheek
"Me lana you understand me lana I grow up different in need of love and affection I no you are the only one to love me"
I look up into Oliver's dark eyes
"Oliver you no that-"
"I don't care lana"
Oliver looked up at the clock
"It's getting late you should go to bed we have a big day tomorrow. You can sleep in my room and no need to fret I will sleep on the sofa"
I nodded my head and gave a small smile
"Thank you Oliver"
......Oliver's POV.......
Oliver watched as lana walked into his bedroom and closed the door then hearing a small lock after her, it was a Pathetic attempt to protect herself he had all the keys to the house.
The doctor went over to his bar and poured himself a drink, making lana fall In love with him would not be easy, he would have to be there for her, he felt foolish for coming into her so soon but he could not control himself, he had kissed her and only creased her, he had not touched her or pushed himself into her.
He was going to have to earn her trust it was not going to be easy it was then that he started to think was it worth making lana fall in love with him the doctor had never felt this way about anyone in his life, he would never let anyone come close to him but lana was diffract she would be the one to change him.
The doctor was not the nice and helpful person everyone sees him as, he has a dark side he had done things , things that he was not proud off , he was a proud man and did not like rejection as did not handle it well the fort of lana rejecting him made him feel sick, he would do anything to keep her with him he would keep her down in the basement if it came to it but he tried not to think so much about that side of his nature, when he had kissed lana she had not pushed him away so this was a good start sooner or later lana would be his and only his
The doctor lied down on the sofa and closed his eyes tomorrow would be the start of a long challenge to make his sweet little lana stay by his side ...forever

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