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Welcome to Disarray!!

I came up with this entire story completely randomly and I had envisioned it all in my head within the span of 5 seconds. There honestly wasn't much planning involved so I apologize in advance for how sloppy or disorganized it may seem.

I've never written a story or anything before so bare with me! This is simply an idea I had that I loved and I wanted to get it out there.

That being said, if there's another story that seems extremely similar to mine, please let me know! I personally haven't read a story like this one, but it's quite possible that one may already exist.

Trigger Warnings

This story is going to contain some heavy topics including self harm, suicidal thoughts and tendencies, sexual and emotional trauma, and explicit language.

If you're easily triggered by any of these topics, I don't recommend this story. I cannot control who reads this story but I will label it 18+ due to the heavy and mature content that's talked about. Mature stories aren't for everyone and that's okay. There's plenty of other stories out there for you. Take a look through my reading lists if you'd like to find some other stories:)

I won't put trigger warnings at the beginning of each chapter, because suicidal thoughts/mentions of suicide/death are going to be mentioned pretty much every chapter, one way or another. But I will put a trigger warning on chapters that are more intense, or go into descriptive detail about one of the triggers listed above.

This story is not meant to romanticize or shame any of these topics, it's meant to bring awareness to it, and remind people that everyone struggles, and everyone's struggles are different.

Some people win their battles, and some don't.

I want to remind everyone again that everyone's story is different. So if my characters react a certain way to something in matter that you wouldn't, it doesn't mean my character is wrong. It doesn't mean you're wrong. It simply means your experiences are different so you're bound to react in different ways.

I want each of you to know that you are extremely important and valid and loved. At times, life may seem impossible, but you've made it this far already, you can keep going! I know you can! I believe in you, I really do. Even if the only thing you do one day is exist, I'm still proud of you. You can always message me, here or on twitter, if you need an outlet or someone to talk to. Don't hesitate!

Okay, now that that's out of the way, I hope you enjoy my story :)

Erie xo

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