Chapter Twenty Six

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But I wanna sleep next to you
And I wanna come home to you
I wanna hold hands with you
I wanna be close to you


Harry and I woke up the next day to the sound of whoever was out in the kitchen yelling loudly and causing a commotion. I couldn't tell who it was or why they were shouting, but they were being so unnecessarily loud.

I didn't even know what time it was. But I knew that I was definitely still very tired, so I kept my eyes shut and hoped that the yelling would stop any second now.

Well, it didn't take much longer before the yelling escalated, being able to then hear that it was Claire who was making all that noise. Harry let out a groan, telling me that he had woken up from this too, and buried his head deeper into my stomach.

"Why is she screaming?" He mumbled rhetorically. He moved his arm closer to my ribcage and hugged me tight.

It was then that I realized how we had woken up. Harry's head was resting on my stomach, his arm was draped over the side of my body. I had a hand placed on his head, tangled in with his unruly curls. One of Harry's legs lay bent over top of mine.

How did we end up like this?

I had expected to have a meltdown when I realized how he was holding me. How intimate this all was. I fully expected to feel like my heart was starting to expand in my chest, my stomach was eating itself alive, and for my body to run cold with chills.

But I didn't.

Actually, what I did was lift Harry's head off my stomach so that I could bring him closer to me, guiding him to lay on my chest instead, which he happily did like it was natural or something. Like it was something that we did every morning.

I felt his lips press into my neck, staying there for a few seconds before he pulled them away and said good morning to me.

His voice was deep, raspy. Just like how I'd expect it to sound in the morning.

"Morning," I said back, beginning to move my fingers through his hair, detangling the knots that had formed overnight.

"What time is it?" His voice rasped as he adjusted his body to better fit against mine.

I leaned over towards the nightstand to try and reach my phone so I could check the time.

When my fingers finally managed to grab the device, I read on the screen that it was already almost noon.

"11:42," I told him and dropped my phone on the bed.

"Is it?" He pulled his head off my chest and looked up at me with his sleepy eyes. He looked so cute. He had rosy cheeks, one more so than the other from laying on that side all night. His under eyes were puffy and red as well. He looked so soft like this. I mean, he always looked soft, but there was some type of innocence he held in the morning that just made him so much more delicate.

"Mhmm," I hummed, not wanting to speak when he was this close to me because I knew that my breath definitely smelled bad. I didn't even want to think about what I looked like right now. I've never once in my life woken up and looked well rested or cute. I always look like a demon who just rose from hell and is trying to find some water or food after having been starved for six thousand years.

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