*Chapter 3*

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Yanique's POV

My first day was not what I expect but I am thankful that I got through it , I even met a friend and I was able to enjoy my time here.

I am standing at the exact spot Lando dropped me off this morning, he was suppose to be here by four because that's the time he told me.I've been waiting for roughly a hour and he isn't here. I tried calling him and it seems like his phone is off.

Tess left earlier because she had errands .I felt bad for letting her wait a little longer with me so I told her it was okay to leave me behind.

She's such a sweetheart.

I don't think I necessarily have to wait on him. I have more than enough money to get me home but I didn't want him to show up and I wasn't here, I think I've waiting long enough. I decide to call his mom to inform her that he is late so I'll be taking a taxi home.
A taxi slows down in front of me.

"Yuh ready baby?" The drive asks. What is it about Jamaican men and calling every female baby or babes.

"Yeah" I open the door , but suddenly I hear a male's voice calling out my name. The voice sounds familiar.

"Yanique!" I turn around to see Lando on his motorcycle. Oh no!

There's no way he thinks I'm getting on that thing.
He parks the motorcycle and gets off. He walks up to me .

"Ya come or not?" The drive asks in a feisty tone. I then realize I'm still standing at the door.

Lando gets closer to me.

"Mek him gwan" he tells me. I close the door . The taxi skates off.

"You serious bout take taxi ehh" he smiles. He is wearing a grey track suit and his hair is slightly damped so the curls look define.

Now that he is covered up , I can only see his neck tattoos and I take notice of his face structure and his smile. I realize he has prefect teeth.

Oh my God , am I staring again?

"What's wrong with taking taxi?"

"A bit dangerous these days" he is now standing closer to me. We are inches apart . I can feel the air closing in. Why is he this close. He smells like cologne and body wash mixed together.

"Don't you think the motorcycle is dangerous too? I hope you don't think I'll be joining you on that"

I don't think what I say was intended to be funny but he burst out into laughter.

"Don't worry I carried a helmet for you and I promise not to speed." He mocks me.

I sigh in defeat. I have never been on a motorcycle before ,everything screams out that I should not take him up on his offer but I feel like he will make sure I'm safe.

"Come" he says . I follow behind him . We walk up to the motorcycle , he puts the helmet on my head then he gets on first .

I follow.

"Hold on" he tells me but I am not sure where I should hold on to. Thank God I'm wearing jeans today. I was not planning on taking a ride on this thing.


"Hold on to me Yanique" he sounds annoyed but he doesn't call me church girl this time . My name sounds good rolling off his tongue.

I do as he says and in seconds we are surfing through the heavy traffic . I see why people like these things , the ride is actually not as bad as I thought and it is a convenient way to get through traffic.

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