*Chapter 82*

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Lando's POV

After being questioned by doctors and filling out paperworks. Four hours feel like four years , I've been pacing the corridors.

No updates.

I was last told by the doctor that she is in surgery, they are performing an emergency C section. Our son will be born premature and the amount of blood Yanique has lost , they might need blood donation.

My tattoos prohibits me from being a donor so I have reached out to her Friends and my relatives who are all very happy to help. Everyone seems to think I have an explanation but I'm also baffled by this entire situation.

One minute we were home making the crib , talking about business , her graduation, and planning a wedding. The next minute I'm here wondering if she'll make it out .. alive.

If our child will be okay.

Angry at myself for being angry with her ! If only I was home but I was busy trying to close deals and right now if I could , I would take away all her pain.

I would trade any of my assets to get back those few hours I spent away from her.

Damn well sacrifice my life for hers and my child.

"Mr. Hamilton" someone calls my name and I turn around to see who.

One of her doctors , a female with fair complexion and medium height is standing in front me.

I clear my throat.

"Yeah, wah di update?" My voice quivers.

"The surgery was very difficult, but I'm happy to say that they are both doing well. Your baby boy was born 5 pounds, eight ounces, your fiancé is resting. She won't regain strength until around the next 5 or more hours but you should be able to see her when the doctors are finished cleaning her up. In the mean time you can follow me to see your son"

I'm overwhelmed by the news , apart of me feels relieved , the other part still angry with what I could have done better to prevent this.

I walk with her to the nursery. Tears clog my eyes and my legs are fucking shaking.

"Here he is" she tells me and I look over at the incubator.

He's so tiny but he has the perfect features already.

Weh him get so much hair from?

I smile and my tears flow.

Jah ! Whatever worries I had before is halfway gone when he twitches peacefully in his sleep.

"Wah gwan Laden" I say softly.

The doctor stands at the door, allowing me to have my moment, thankfully it's a private hospital so I'm allowed to do so.

I place my head down on the incubator, that separates us and I silently breakdown for minutes while trying my best not to disturb him but also not wanting to leave his side.

Weh all a dis emotions fawud from ? Mi nuh know but Jah know it consume mi.

7:57 am

I wake up in the couch next to Yanique's bed. I look over at her and she's still deep asleep. This can't be it for us, nothing close to what I had in mind for her delivery.

I haven't left this hospital since I got here and I don't think I can anytime soon. Nurses and doctors have been in and out of the room , checking up on her and every time they do so I ensure I'm up tracking whatever progress.

I reach over and kiss her forehead then take her hand in mine.

"Ya guh cuss when yuh find out wah mi name wi son. Him look like yuh suh at lease yuh God get something right this time." I caress her hand with my thumb.

"Just pull through this cause life nuh mek sense without yuh." I whisper.

A nurse walks inside the room and she glances at me before walking over to the machine.

"The medicine suppose to wear off soon, she'll be up in the next couple minutes. A bit sore but she should be okay" she beams at me.

I don't know how to react so I nod.

It's been too fucking long.

"You can go get some coffee or tea and come back" she suggests.

"Mi gud, need fi deh ya suh when she open her eyes" I tell her.

"Well okay , I'll be back to monitor her progress soon" she walks out of the room.

Yanique's POV


I have so many blank spots in my memory. The bright light hanging over my head causes me to squint my eyes. I woke up from what feels like the longest sleep I've ever had.

My body aches and my migraine intensifies each time I try to rise my head. I growl in pain.

"Where am I ?" My tongue feels heavy as I speak , my eyes search the room, the walls are painted in white but this doesn't look like Lando's house.

Wait Lando...

It all comes rushing back to me and even having flashbacks makes my headache increase.

Our baby.

I feel paralyzed, my entire body shuts down after realizing I can't feel my baby.

"Yan" his voice pulls me back and his muscular body crushes mine as he hugs me and sob in the croc of my neck.

"Where's our baby" my voice doesn't sound familiar.

He releases me and then apologizes for hugging me too tightly.

"Him good, him deh ova di nursery. Mek mi guh get di doctor , just keep your eyes open fimi" he pleads before storming out of the room.

He's wearing the same clothes I last saw him in, he never went home. I can't imagine how scared he was.

Even without him saying the words, I can sense the great deal of relief that he feels.

I want to see him. I can't go another minute without knowing what my son looks like.

"Hi Yanique" a lady stands over me.

A few minutes have passed by since I've regained my consciousness. The doctor has been checking my vitals and through out it all Lando hasn't left the room not once.

" Try not to move too much, we had to preform a C section so your wound is still fresh. You'll experience pain in your stomach so these medicines should help with that, also your glucose level is really low so as of now you are require to drink two cups of sweet sugar and water every two hours while we monitor your glucose level"

She goes into full details about my surgery and recovery then before you know it ,it has been far too long waiting here in anticipation.

"When can I see my baby?" I ask her .

"We'll take him to you in a few minutes" she smiles .

Lando asks for a minute to talk with her privately.
My suspicions grow as they engage in a conversation across the room. He looks over at me and then back at her before she leaves.

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