*Chapter 6*

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Yanique's POV

I wake up to a completely quite house. My parents already left for work , there isn't much to do this time around.

I've already taken a shower and ate breakfast. I normally watch a movie or shop online until it's time for me to attend the online prayer meeting.

I search around my room for my phone , I haven't seen it since I woke up. I throw the cushions from off my bed, messing up my already perfectly clean room.
But it's not there.

Finally I find it, it was behind my dresser. Then it suddenly came to me.

What happened last night came rushing back . My sinful acts , how did I get here.I don't even recognize who I am ?

It only took one date for me to reveal my naked body to this man. A tear trickle down my check.

I wipe my tear off my face and check the notifications on my phone.
Jessica texted *girl I need to hear every detail*

Another tear trickle down my cheek and then I start crying uncontrollably. How can I tell her every detail, will I ever be able to tell anyone what happened. How I shared my body with someone who I hardly know ?

I see another message, it's from him. Lando.

*dinner tomorrow night, wear heals*
This message is from last night, which means he's expecting us to have dinner tonight. I can not continue with this, this lifestyle is not what I want. It is happening way too fast and I need to stop this before it spirals out of my control.

It's like when I'm around him, he turns me into a complete different person. I get that I allowed this to happen but the thought of me touching myself is uncomfortable.

I block his phone number.

I am closing this chapter of sinful things.

Hours have passed and I can't seem to escape the flashbacks. I've been watching Snow fall to keep my mind off things but it doesn't help one bit so I decided to reach out to Miss Wright to let her know I'm not feeling well so I won't be able to volunteer at the school today. I then reached out to Monique from church to cover for me and she was hesitant because she has a prayer meeting on zoom so I insisted that I'll do it for her so she can have the time to go to the school.

The time progresses and it is almost time for me to join the zoom meet so I decide to get ready. I don't need to do much , I don't want to do my make up and I am not in the mood to do my hair either. My anxiety has been on high .I wonder if he will show up here.

My parents should be home early today , my mom texted me earlier to inform me that she won't be working double shifts since there are enough nurses in. My dad normal pops up around this hour.

I decide to let down my hair, no make up and I changed my top. I am now wearing my long sleeve white shirt.
I take my laptop from my desk and click on the link to join the zoom meeting .

It is now 6:00 pm

"Hello my sisters and brothers" I greet everyone who is already in the meeting.

They greet me back.

"It is a blessing to have you all here for another prayer meeting" I continue . We do our normal routine which consist of devotion, sharing testimonies , reading the Bible , praying and then farewells.

"Okay so that's it for tonight. Thanks for showing up and I hope everyone has an awesome rest of the week"

I smile for as long as I can until everyone leaves the meeting. I log off and get up from around my desk.

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