Chapter 13

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This shall take place during episode 8 of the anime. And shall be in two parts)

The sun stood high in the sky as Y/N was in the barn, a mirror in one hand while the demon language book sat next to him, he stared at his eyes. Trying to figure out why his right eye was in pain the other day in the library.

Y/N: "Odd, why would you pain whenever I read the book," he asked to Noone as he looked over at the book, letting out a sigh before he lays down on his back. The mirror laying next to him while staring at the ceiling "Very odd indeed. Damn eye paining like that"

Y/N groans in annoyance as he would pick up the book and mirror before heading out of the barn, shaking his head before heading back to the house, greeting the maids as he did.

Once in his bedroom, he placed the demon tongue book down next to a beast tongue language book, staring at both books before a smile appeared on his face.

Y/N: "took a while, but I've been able to read both languages with ease" he looks at his hand and made it into a fist "Aside from learning those languages, the training has been going well at the same time."

Y/N looked outside the window and noticed Eris and Amber with a wagon, raising an eyebrow at this before he opened the window and jumped out, following the group to the kitchen, noticing Rudues listening in as well

Eris: "I can't wait to see their faces, I bet they are gonna cry"

Amber: "Oh sis, why would they cry? They don't seem like they would do such a thing"

Eris: "But you do think they'll like it right?"

Amber: "Of course they will. This is gonna be a great 10th birthday party for them" smiled

Y/N heard this and smiled, pressing his back against the wall, looking at the sky as he did

Y/N: "I almost forgot about that, has it been 2 years already since their birthday?"

Amber: "Still wish they were born into a different family, but things happen"

Y/N shakes his head as he left, making his way back to his bedroom by jumping onto the roof and headed back inside. Laying down on his bed he stared at the ceiling

Y/N: "10 whole years already, I'm kind of impressed by that." he let's out a sigh "I wonder how mom and dad are doing" he removed his shirt and looked at himself, the training has paid off

" he let's out a sigh "I wonder how mom and dad are doing" he removed his shirt and looked at himself, the training has paid off

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(not as ripped as this since Y/N is 10, but just to give you an idea)

A knock made itself known as a maid entered the room, making Y/N look over at the maid while being shirtless.

Maid: "the dinner preparations are complete master Y/N"

Y/N: "Coming"

The brothers and Ghislaine arrived at the hall

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