Chapter 8: The Cafeteria Experience

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 The school was really huge. And it was a private school. And an all werewolf school, not, it was mixed with werewolves and humans. The boys parked in the spaces farthest away from the school and I had to park beside Xavier which was closer to the school. I slowly took of my helmet and quickly fixed my hair so that I wouldn't walk in their with helmet hair. I walked to the school doors the boys trailing behind me. We were an hour late for school so everyone was in their classes, well most people, it was about nine in the morning.

"Rose," Rob spoke up, "We're going to have to go now, unfortunately, just go to the front office."

"Walk up the second flight of stairs on you right and walk until you see a sign that says front office." Spock added

   I nodded and they left. I followed Spock's instructions and soon walked into the front office. It was fairly large, and even had a flat screen on the wall, but the little old lady at the receptionist desk was tapping away at a typewriter. I thought that the only typewriters you could find anymore were in antique shops or even thrift shops.

      The little old apple lady at the front desk looked up and grinned at me so widely I could have sworn that she was going to try to eat me or that her denture were going to just jump out her mouth and start chasing me around.

"Hello, are you the new student," she asked me. 

        I just nodded my head. I felt like if I opened my mouth I was going to say  something mean to the little old lady.  She started searching under her desk until she found my schedule, textbooks, locker key and then handed it to me. I took a glance at my schedule and muttered a curse word under my breath. I guess the old lady must have heard because she gave me a disapproving glance before she went back to her work. I had missed Geography already but now I had History in about five minutes. Well, might as well waste some time on my Harley. I waved goodbye to the granny, retraced my steps and found my way in the parking lot to my motorcycle     


             I was back at school at about 11:10am  and lunch had started at 11.   I hate missing my favorite subject.  Letting my nose to lead me to the cafeteria i pushed open the doors and there was  (drumroll please) .........................................   UTTER SILENCE . You could have heard a pin drop. everyone was staring at me and honestly I felt like some rare animal in a cage

              "Take a picture it will last longer"  I yelled at them.

  You know that saying that no matter how sarcastic you are, there will always be at least one person who will always take you seriously. Well here, there were about a hundred people who were taking me seriously and had took out anything that could be used to take picture and taking pictures of me.

"Really people I didn't mean it seriously!" I yelled at them and started scanning the room

                    I spotted my brothers sitting at the table in the middle of the room.  I'm guessing that it was the populars table considering all of the tables that surrounded them filled with girls who looked like sluts, no sorry whores.     I started walking to the table and guys stared after me wtih lust evident in their eyes.  WOW!   Never though I'd live to see the day  that would happen, well I never thought I'd live to see next year.  

Pushing away the miserable thoughts, I sat down on Spock and stretched out my feet on Alex.

'Sup," I nodded to the boys and couple of girls at the table/  All the werewolves in the cafeteria tunred their heads toward us and probably started asking people who the hell I was.

                      So me being me and being awesome too I tuned in to the conversation in miindlink.   "WHO THE HELL IS SHE!?!!" asked some MVOPIDNWTK (mysterious voice of a person i do not want to know)  

"Yeah " said another "How come she gets to sit on you and I cant?!?!"  I'm guessing that person was a S.L.U.T. (stupid, lusty, ugly,twit).  Me being me, I decided to put them out of their misery.  "MY name is Rose and I am Alex's, Xavier's and Ron's new sister.  I am 14, this is my natural hair colour, yes im single and no i wont give you my cell number." I added with a smile.  

                    It was kind of obvious what these people were going to ask me.   Before anyone could say anything well if they wanted to, Spock chimed in with his ever so protecting self in big brother mode.  

"If anyone who hurts her in any way or form physically or mentally will have to deal with me and my boys.  OK!" he kind of yelled thorugh mind link.  I had only heard him shout once and that was when I had kicked him in my sleep when he was trying to wake me up. Lets just say he had shout at me for the rest of the day when the pack doctor had finished checking him. His little me was injured but it wasn't that of a deal   and he eventually forgave me.

      I took a burger off of Spck's lunch tray and started eating it.  For a school the food was awesome. "Why do you always have to steal my food" Spock whined like a five year old.

 "Fine" I said handing him the half finshed burger.  

I pushed lunch trays out off the way and climbed unto the table using Socks head as a climbing step which i had to jump off of.  It was so much fun .  

And then I yelled asked the entire cafeteria one question "Anyone has ten dollars I can get."Get not borrow but I don't think anyone noticed.  Oh and there was agian UTTER SILENCE while people  (Mostly straight boys and then lesbians) searched their wallets for ten dollars

"here'stwenty" a SDDGMM called (some desparate dude givng me money).

                                            "Ill give you $30"




 "Ill give you a hundred dollars bill standing on the table I asked  

"going one going twice sold to the dude who offered me a hundred dollars."   Some really big and i mean big dude walked up to be and handed me the hundred dollars.  "Thanks dude" i said and gave the dude a kiss on the cheek Again so much silence.  Well until the dude who gave me the money fell down and fainted.  I'm surprised the floor didnt break the dude looked really heavy.

                                              Xavier pulled me off the table unto his lap.  

"WHAT THE HELL XAVIER!!!" i shouted.  They got up still holdimg me and started walking to the doors carrying me on their shoulders  No one attempted to help me or call a teacher.  Not even the ACTUAL teacher!!!      

"Like no one want to help me FINE" i huffed shouting that to the whole room crossing my arms  Everyone was just staring at us seriously people get a life.

 "WELL LATER PEEPS" I shouted as we pushed through the doors.

"Where are we going" I asked Spock, who was holding my shoulders

" To my fathers, I mean the principal's office,"


Yeah people how did you like this chapter i had an awesome time writing this chapter hint for the next one pies.

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