Chapter 23: Happy 2014!

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  I pulled on a black bodysuit and clipped my hair into a ponytail. It had been about a week and a half since I had come here and I had yet to even start my mission against Alpha Fraud. I was going to start that night, by searching his bedroom and library for any information while everyone else was at the new years eve party.

It had been hard to get away from Jason though. First I told him that I didn't want to go; he said he would stay home with me. Then, I said that I was sick and even though I told him I didn't want to get him sick he said he would stay and look after me. Finally I had told him that I was on my period and then he said he would go. Why? Because women PMS is horrible, wolves PMS is I'm going to kill you. Hence, he left.

It actually wasn't PMS, and if he had paid attention he would notice that I was PMSing when I first met him in that class.

I pulled on a pair of balck combat boots and tied their laces. Getting down on both knees unto the floor, I took my suitcase from underneath the bed. Openeing it, I opened the secret compartment, typed in the password and watched as it opened into my weapons storage.

I took out my favorite handgun, a Smith and Wesson Model 22A and some rounds of ammo and put the gun into his holder, on my belt and the ammo somewhere near there. I also took out some throwing daggers and a regular dagger.

Closing up the compartment, I pushed the suitcase under the bed and headed for the door. I crept outside, because even though everyone was enjoying the party in the town square, its better to be safe than sorry.

I snuck down the stair and out the door securely locking it. I climbed up a tree in the front yard and silent but quickly swung myself from branch to branch from tree to tree to Fraud's house.

My boys and I were living in the beta's house and everyone from our pack that came with us were living in motels.

Reaching my detination, I silently drropped from the tree and walked towards the front door. I tried the door knob and was surprised to find it open. Something was up.

I opened it and creeped inside. Crouching beside the couch, I tried to listen to see if anyone was inside, I heard mumblings coming from the third floor, but I was too far to distinguish it.

I climbed up using the railing not the stairs, because I knew from experience that the stairs were old and wooden and so tended to creak.

I climbed up to the third floor and walked up to an open window so that if anything should happen I could jump.

"This had gone too far Fraud!" I heard a lady snap. It sounded like the Luna, but I couoldnt be too sure.

" NO! I'm going to finish this if its the last thing I do." Fraud answered

"You're trying to destroy them and you're going to destroy us along with them," She snapped at him. Who were the them they were speaking about?

"No. I trust them. More than i trust any one of us! Especially that Rose girl!" Fraud marched over to the door and I jumped through the window and quickly swung my self from branch to branch away from there.

It was obvoius that the second them they were talking about was different from the first them. But who were they talking about? And who did he want to destroy?

It was obvoius that Fraud was going to  go to the New Year's Eve party, so I went home.He might find it suspicious if he saw I wasn' t there.

I ran into the house up the staris and to my room. I pulled off the body suit and pulled on a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a Sequined shirt. I elft the combat boots on and didn't bother to take the throwing daggers out of my boots. What? I might need them.

It was about a minute before the it would become 2014 when I was making my way through the crowd. I saw Jason standing near Spock when I pulle dhim away from him and away from the crowd into the forest.

I stopped and he pulled me closer to him and kissed me on the lips.

"Hello, Beautiful," he told me

"Hey handsome," I replied.

We climbed up unto a tree branch and watched as everyone started counting down.

"5, 4, 3, 2, ...1,"  I dragged him by his shirt collar and kissed him full on the lips. His lips moved in sync with mine while the rest of this part of America, (Different states are in different time zomes so obviously new years is going to come at different times) screamed Happy New Year to one another.

I pulled away and yelled into his ear," Happy 2014!"

He just laughed and kissed me again. We just sat their for a while, my head on his shoulder as we watch the fireworks. It was a beautiful show, but my mind wasn't there. I was wondering, how far would Fraud go to destroy these people?


Happy 2014! people Happy News Years eve too. Cuz its new years eve when I was writing this in the morning too, but some of you aint gonna read it until 2014 so, Happy 2014!


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