Chapter 13

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The past few days have been a blessing for me. I was at home, recovering from my cold with Jimin by my side. He's been really helpful and caring towards me. I feel like I've discovered a new side to him. A side that is affectionate and warm-hearted.

We've had a few ups and downs in the past few days but I would say it's nothing compared to what he's done for me. One day, I even caught him in the kitchen, trying to follow a recipe to make some dinner for me. Of course, we had instant noodles in the end but it's the thought that counts.

Jimin was mostly respecting my private space but there were a few slips that I couldn't get out of my head. Ever since I put on a dress that day, he's been acting different towards me. He would make those dangerous faces, send me winks and flirt occasionally. Ever since then I've been an emotional wreck but other than that we're totally fine.

Today is Friday which means the party is happening today. I woke up really early because Jimin just told me to. I don't know what for but right now I am on my way to find that out.

Where is he?...

I swear, if he woke me up just to pull pranks on me, I'm gonna kill him...

I kept checking the whole house for that damn man but he was nowhere to be found. Figuring that he's probably in his bedroom, I went back upstairs.

I knocked on the door repeatedly, trying not to make the same mistake that happened the last time I walked in there. A few seconds later Jimin opened the door for me while speaking to someone on the phone.

"How long until you will be here?" He asked someone on the phone, making me confused.

Are we expecting someone at 6 in the morning?...

"Yeah... okay, got it," he nodded as if they could see him and hang up afterwards. Putting his phone in a sweatpants pocket, he faced me with a morning smile, almost making me go blind.

"Good morning, shortie," he blurted out, standing in front of me, glowing in the sun.

"Says you..." I chuckled, slightly offending Jimin.

Shaking it off, he went further into his room and I followed him, still clueless about the reason I was woken up so darn early.

As it turns out, Jimin was just going to his closet to pick a suit for today's evening event. I just stood in the doorway, watching him as he went through many outfits hanged in front of him.

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