Bonus chapter: Hana

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"Where are the keys?~ where are the fucking keys?~" I drunkenly sang out in the hallway, rummaging through my purse.

Barely standing on my feet, I swayed back and forth, my eyes at times closing by themselves. Trying my best, to keep myself steady, I leaned on the door of my apartment, still trying to find something that was obviously not there.

Crying out in annoyance, I gave up and slid down the wall, my legs spread very unladylike. Deciding there's one person I can call in this situation, I dial my little sister, Aera.

"Yes, Hana? What do you want, I'm with my friends right now," my sister spoke on the line.

"Aeeeeraaaaa. My sister~" I whined, kicking my legs against the floor like a crying baby. "I forgot my keys inside the apartment..."

"Again?" She yelled, causing me to frown at the phone as she almost made me go deaf. "I swear to god, Hana, this happens every time you go out to drink," I could feel Aera roll her eyes.

"Can you come home already? Only you have the keys... I can't get in," I pouted to myself.

"Bro, wtf... I'm in Itaewon right now," she groaned.

"Why are you gadding about so late at night anyways?" I tried to scold as best as I could. "You turned of age just two weeks ago and ever since then you're never home!"

"Well I'm sorry if I'm growing up so fast," Aera mocked with sarcasm. "You know what?... Deal with your problem yourself, I'm tired of always coming to your rescue whenever you please!"

"No! Aera, don't hang u-"

I heard a beep sound on my phone. Looking at my phone, I realized that she hung up on me.

"You little piece of shit!" I threw my purse into the wall. "I'll remember that..."

Banging my head at the door of my apartment, I tried to think of someone who would let me stay overnight at their place. Scrolling though contacts on my phone, I found Y/n's number and instantly pressed call. She wouldn't pick up, her phone was turned off.

Remembering that she sent me the address of her house once, I started going through our messages. When I found out Y/n got married and moved in with her husband, I sent them a giant plant as a gift that's why I have her address saved somewhere. A few minutes later, I find the location and order myself a taxi.

Sipping an already half empty bottle of my wine, I waited for the taxi to come pick me up. It wouldn't be me if I didn't slip and fall right before entering the car. laughing it off, I fell into the passenger seat, startling the taxi driver.

"Where to, miss?" He hesitantly asked, watching me get comfortable in the backseat through the rear mirror.

"To that bitch's house," I mumbled. "I can't believe she never invited me there," I rolled my eyes, taking big chugs from the bottle.

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