Chapter 16

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Park Jimin attached his lips to mine. My eyes went wide as I freezed, looking at his closed eyes while kissing me. I felt myself getting weaker by each passing second he has pressing his warm wet lips to my cold ones.

Just a few seconds later, he pulled back, a victory smirk visible on his face. I was left speechless and lonely, due to the cold feeling of my moist lips again.

As my mind was on the roller coaster of emotions, Jimin turned to the cheering audience and said his last few sentences, concluding his speech on a positive note.

I was dumbstruck by what he just did, still stiff next to him. My fingers involuntarily intertwined with Jimin's as we walked down the stage towards our table.

I look up from the floor, seeing Taehyung with his jaw open, Mr Park with hearts in his eyes and my parents with puzzled, devastated looks on their faces. I quickly move away my attention from my parents, excusing myself to go to the bathroom, not able to even spare Jimin a glance.

I clumsily speed walk towards the exit, abruptly stopping in front of a waiter with a tray. Snatching a full glass of champagne from him, I continue hurriedly walking to escape the loud space in order to think for a minute and consume everything that just happened.

As I walk determinedly though an empty corridor, I gulp the glass in one go, scrunching up my nose at the fizzy drink.

"I can't believe he just stole my first kiss..." I mumble to myself, on the verge of hysterically screaming, crying and laughing while practically jogging towards the ladies room.

As I enter the single bathroom I was previously in with Jimin, I can't help but recall what happened here about an hour ago. Hitting my head repeatedly, hoping the memory would go away, I slide down the wall about to lose my last remaining brain cell.

"Okay. Calm down, Y/n. Calm down..." I told myself, waving my hands at my face to get some air circulation going on. Standing up again, I paced around the bathroom and then walked to the mirror, grabbing the sink at the sides as I looked at my reflection.

"Why are you getting so worked up over a simple kiss?" I asked, trying to reassure myself. "It's not like he meant it. You're just over exaggerating!"

But what if he meant it?...

"Don't be so full of yourself. He did it to make our marriage look believable! He wouldn't kiss me otherwise," I nodded, talking to myself like a crazy person.

Are you sure about that?...

"Yes! It was necessary to fool everyone! Look at yourself, you look like a potato. He would never even lay his eyes on you. This kiss was meaningless!"

But did you want it to be the opposite?

I frowned at what ridiculous thoughts are randomly popping up in my head. Running a hand through my hair, I tried to think.

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