Chapter 19

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Final destination

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Final destination.

"Dude. I need help," I groaned into the speaker, calling Taehyung.

"Bro, why is everyone calling me at night? Just leave me alone, I don't wanna deal with your santa barbara right now," he whined.

"Tae. You don't understand! IT'S CODE RED!"

"What did you just day?!" He raised his voice.

"CODE RED! IT'S CODE FUCKING RED!" I repeated, screaming.

"Don't tell me-"

"Yes..." I rested my head back on the driver's seat. "Sohee..."

"Oh my god, this is real shit. Why did that bitch come out of nowhere? What did she do to you? Are you okay? What did she say? I swear if I saw her, her face would end up in a dumpster right then and there! "

"I might've fucked up a bit..."

"Wh- Huh? What do you mean?" he sounded confused. "Please tell me you didn't fuck her... Cause if you did then-"

"I didn't screw her."

"Okay, thank god. What happened, tell me," taehyung demanded, growing impatient.

"I was finishing work and was about to go home but all of a sudden Yera comes in and says that I have a guest. Fucking Sohee walks in out of nowhere and starts begging me to take her back. I'm just standing there, not knowing what I'm supposed to-"

"What happened?" Taehyung asked, his voice stern.

"She kissed me, Tae... She fucking kissed me!"

A small pause followed on the other line, before Taehyung threatened me.

"I'm about to ask you a serious question here. My reaction depends on your answer. If I don't like the answer, I promise you... I'll make sure you never see me or Y/n ever again..."

I gulped nervously.

"Did you kiss her back? Did you kiss Sohee back?"

"I did but-"

"No need to say more Jim-"

"JUST FUCKING LISTEN TO ME!!!" I yelled, losing my mind. "I kissed her back for one second. I was so fucking dumb... Once I realized what I was doing, I pushed her back. I pushed her back so hard that she almost fell and then I left my office right away!"

I explained, gripping my hair tightly. I could hear Taehyung let out a deep sigh.

"At least you got to your senses before you went too far, buddy."

"I know but... I still don't know what I should do."

"Okay. Tell me. Did she threaten Y/n? Did she say anything about her?"

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