No More Divine Moves

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"Hold, hold on, hold onto me,'Cause I'm a little unsteady,A little unsteady,""Unsteady" by X Ambassadors

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"Hold, hold on, hold onto me,
'Cause I'm a little unsteady,
A little unsteady,"
"Unsteady" by X Ambassadors

| 3rd Person Point of View |

Staring at her hands that are coated in her own blood, black blood, the world continues on around her. Police officers walk back and fourth, going past her again and again. They don't notice the blood on her hands, they don't notice anything unnatural with her except that she was kidnapped. She has no blood on her hands to them. The pack wouldn't let her stay and help, but even if she wanted to she wouldn't know how to. Not that they should trust her, not after what she did to them...

"What happened?" Parrish snaps her out of her thoughts, placing a glass of water in front of her. Hope doesn't touch it, not wanting to get it covered in blood.

"...I don't know." She says honestly, her voice quivering.

"Do you remember anything at all?"

"No... I- I was- I was out most of the time... All I know... All I know is that it was dark." Hope barley whispers out, trying to wipe the blood off on the change of pants they got her. But no matter how much she tries to wipe it off, it doesn't clean off her hands. They told her not to tell the truth, and she owes them that after they saved her. But she knows she's just telling herself that - just telling herself that she's not lying for herself. Not lying because she's being selfish and that she's scared. She's lying because they told her to.

"And you're positive you don't remember anything else?"

"No." Parrish smiles at Hope, pity in his smile as he stares at the young girl in front of him.

"Well, the important thing is that you're okay. You're parents are waiting outside when you're ready..." He stands up, leaving Hope all alone in the room to herself. She can't face her parents, not yet. Not after what she helped cause, not after what happened, not with this blood on her hands. If she ever wants to see them again, she has to get the blood of her hands. Grabbing that he gave her, she pours a little onto her hands before scrubbing them on her pants again, scrubbing them as hard as she can. She doesn't stop, not until her hands are red and sore, but even then - the blood is still there. No matter how much water she puts on them, no matter how many layers of skin that scrubbing takes off, the blood is always going to be there. The only reason the blood is there is to keep her out of denial - to remind her of the shit that she went through, that the Supernatural isn't just a TV show with two brothers and an angel, it's real. It's very, very real, and it's already put her through hell... It already has her hands covered in blood.


"Mommy." Hope sobs out, Elena rushing over to wrap her arms around Hope who breaks down in tears. For the first time in days, she finally feels safe. No Nogustine sneaking up behind her and controlling her or draining her of her blood, just her parents hugging her and being her shield from the scary world around her. They sit there for a while, before her parents help her stand and carefully walk her out of the police station to bring her to the hospital to stitch up the cuts she'd gotten from everything she'd experienced.


This is a shorter chapter to wrap up season, show some of the trauma to come, etc.

I almost cried while writing the chapter, because god it is so sad to me for some reason... it might be the sleep deprivation, and that is a very high chance of it - but

I do want to quickly clarify that the blood on her hands wasn't real. It was in her head, and that's why no one else noticed it. I wasn't exactly sure how to write it, and I do hope it was implied, but just as a quick clarification.

OH! and by the way, on Tiktok, i've been posting stuff for this story! my @ is samantha_winchester_ ! :>

Until Next Time,

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