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She inhaled her first breath. The sweet delicate scent of jasmines welcomed her. Life.

Her eyelids fluttered open. A being with ancient kindly eyes held his hand out to her. He was her Maker.

She took his hand as he pulled her up on her feet and led her to another being who felt familiar yet looked kind of different from her.

Her cheeks burned as she looked upon his tall muscular frame.

"My rib?" He startled.

"What?!?" She retorted.

He had spent the day trying to pick a helpmate but found none to his liking. His Maker then made her and he chose her. His "Woman" as he was her "Man".

Their Creator, their Matchmaker made them husband and wife. Delight sparked in His eyes as He left the lovebirds to explore their garden world and each other.


Days melted into weeks. Weeks into years, yet no one aged a day.

Every day was different, with fresh new discoveries, new animals to name, new fruit to taste. They had each other for companionship and much more.

The highlight of each day was the daily visit from their Creator. He had so much to share. He knew everything, created everything and taught them so much. He has quite a sense of humour and they looked forward to His company each and every day.

It was one such day, a perfectly normal, perfect day, when Eve walked past that one tree whose fruit was forbidden. They could eat the fruit from any tree in the garden but that one. They were told that if they were to eat fruit from that tree they would die, whatever death meant anyway.

She heard the leaves rustle. Light glinted from beautiful scales. Taking a closer look, she saw a serpent with mesmerizing eyes that caught her in it's gaze.

It spoke of the fruit of the tree and seductively convinced her to eat it, saying it would make her wise

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It spoke of the fruit of the tree and seductively convinced her to eat it, saying it would make her wise. She ate it and gave some to her husband who ate it too.

The Serpent, the son of the morning had his revenge. He could not hurt the omnipotent Creator physically but he could break His heart, by destroying the humans that the Creator loved so dearly.


Eve stared at her reflection in the river. Her once luscious dark hair was scarce and white. Luminous beautiful skin now patchy and wrinkled up.

Death. Animals that she and Adam once loved had to be killed so that their skins could cover their shame.

Other pets they had have long since died. Their children, her husband and soon herself would fall into death's cold embrace.

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