chapter thirty-two

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"And I hope you're better off. And your heartbeat never stopped. Every scar has done healing.."

Everything Has Grown- Colouring


DOVE stared at the doctor in complete shock as she asked her that question. Dove darted her eyes to Johanna, who clearly was already informed. Dove looked to her wedding ring as a few tears fell from her eyes.

"I'll give you a moment." Johanna said calmly to Dove, as she excused herself from the room.

Dove exhaled sharply as she wiped a few tears away. "..How far along am I?"

"Around 8 weeks." The doctor responded. "I understand that recent events have caused spiked stress levels for you, Dove. But the ill treatment you've given yourself is dangerous for the baby. If you'd like to continue this pregnancy, there are ways we can help you."

The doctor's kindness to Dove provoked more tears to fall. She quickly wiped them away as she took a sip of water on the desk beside her hospital bed.

"I'll give you some time." The doctor smiled warmly.

"Okay. Okay, thank you." Dove wiped a few tears away, as the doctor excused herself.

Later that evening, Dove was discharged from the hospital. Johanna waited outside as Dove slowly left. She still couldn't process the fact she was pregnant. Dove couldn't understand how that small form of life inside her had survived everything Dove had endured.

"Does Coraz know?" Dove asked Johanna, without meeting her eyes.

"No." Johanna replied gently. "Neither does Isabelle. It's not my news to tell."

"Thank you." Dove said quietly.

The rest of the walk back to Victors village was silent. Dove was extremely grateful for Johanna's support, but she simply couldn't form any words anymore. When they arrived back at Dove's house, she walked in with her head held low as she headed straight to her bedroom.

Dove laid on her bed, as she closed her eyes. She thought about Finnick, and how different receiving the news that she was pregnant would be if he was still alive. Dove imagined his reaction, imagined his smile and excitement and how he would be such an incredible dad. A single tear fell down her face as she sat back up.

Dove turned her shower on as she washed off the feeling of the hospital. She cleaned her body thoroughly and washed her hair. She cleansed her face and exfoliated her skin. For the first time in what felt like forever, she had a reason to take care of herself. As depressing as that sounded, that tiny bit of life inside of her was relying on her to take care of it.

Dove wanted to keep the baby. As difficult and challenging as it would be to do without Finnick, she wanted to try. She could do what she did best; love and protect another person with everything in her heart. It was as if this was her hand to help her out of the water. She'd been given another chance to turn it all around. This baby was her second chance; a chance of a fresh start.

This baby was also Finnick's. Even though Dove would always carry Finnick in her heart, wherever she went, whatever she did with her life, now she had a part of him that would always be with her. This baby was their connection, their bond everlasting.

For the first time in what felt like forever, Dove seemed so much more content. She felt that familiar twang of Hope piercing at her heart; the peace she always wanted was just around the corner. She would raise this child, and give it a good life, the life her and Finnick would have always wanted to give their children. And this baby was going to be so loved. Not just by Dove.

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