The Bridge

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Heyyy yall I wanted to start by saying sorry it took me a year and a half to update this story butttt I made this chapter long for yall since I made you wait so long! (pls don't hate me😖)

content warning: mentions of suicide and dark content. Also drug use.

Play poison tree by grouper

"What does it look like I'm doing" You respond as your head faces him.

"Looks like you're being dumb right now," He says as he walks next to the ledge.

You look down on him, "Don't try and stop me because I'm not coming down" You say in a bit of annoyance.

"Who says I'm here to stop you," He says while pulling his body up upon the ledge.

"I'm here to join you," He says now standing next to you on the ledge.

You scoff in annoyance "Are you actually being serious rn."

"Deadly," He says while looking over at you. "So who's going first me or you?"

"Can you just leave? You're about to piss me off" You say rolling your eyes at him as try to keep your balance.

"Okay so I'm going first," He says as he sticks one foot on the ledge and starts partially losing his balance.

Your reflexes kick in and you grab him trying to make sure he doesn't fall while keeping your balance. "Are you kidding me right now, stop playing and just get down".

"Not until you get down first," he said sticking his foot out further.

"Fine, you're such a dick head," You say giving in and watching him smirk as he hops down and helps you down.

Once he's done helping you down you let go of his hand.

"So wanna talk about it," He says starting to walk in the direction of the school as you followed behind him.

"No not really," You say walking beside him.

"We'll wanna smoke," He asks as he pulls out a honey dutch blunt from his right pocket.

"Now you're speaking my language," You say as your eyes light up at the sight of the weed.

You hadn't had that many experiences with smoking weed but the ones you did have took away your anxiety for the most part.

"I can't believe you did that" you blurt out.

"we'll I was only following you," He says pulling a lighter out of his pocket.

You watch him as he lights the blunt up, "Oh so you're a follower huh" You say snarkily.

"Not necessarily " He responds while taking a couple of hits off it before passing it to you.

You reach for it and put your mouth on it sucking the air in as you inhaled.

Once you release the smoke out of your lungs you coughed up a storm.

"Damn you must be lightweight," He says laughing at your grasp for air.

"Haha very funny, I'm not, I'm just not used to taking big hits," You say handing the blunt back.

"Wait now that I think of it, didn't you call me dumb for standing up there when you literally did the same thing," You say watching him put the dutch on his lips.

"That's because I'm dumb too," He says taking a couple of hits.

"What made you come out this way anyways," You say watching him blow the smoke out of his mouth as you started walking down a dark trail with very few street lights.

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