New Beginings

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(5 months later)

"I'm leaving Deb, goodnight." I tell Debbie as I walk out of the diner. I turn a left onto Liberty Ave and start to walk down. I look down at my watch to see that it's 7:30 and it's already pitch black outside. A lot has changed in the 5 months that I've been here. Brian has gotten been a lot loving and caring which makes it easier for everyone. I'm starting my art classes once again and I just got a new job at Kinetic as Brian's personal assistant since his last one quit. Hunter graduated from high school and Michel and Ben just adopted another kid, his name is Alexander and he's quite the handful. Gus has been coming over to the loft a lot more often and that's been good for Brian. That's about all that's new. I turn the corner to see someone standing in front of me. 

"So we meet again." The man chuckles. I know exactly who he is Chris Hobbs. 

"You can't scare me anymore, I'm not afraid of you." He steps forward and I force myself not to wince. Am I scared? Hell yeah. I haven't been alone with Hobbs since the incident, and Brian isn't here to protect me which also bothers me. Hobbs' phone goes off and he turns to me. 

"I have to go, but it won't be the end!" He walks off as I run towards the loft.

I walk into the loft and set my keys down on the kitchen counter. I hear the shower running, so Brian must be home. 

"I'm home!" I holler to let him know. I turn on the oven and set a pot of water down for it to boil. 

"Hey sunshine, what are you cooking." Says Brian as he walks into the kitchen fully dressed in a black button down shirt and dark blue jeans. 

"I was thinking some Italian, but we can go out for Chinese if you want." I tell him. He walks behind me and wraps his arms around my small waist. I start to laugh as I don't really know what the hell is going on. He turns me around and kisses me. 

"Brian, if you want to have sex then tell me so I can shut off the stove." I tell him. He starts to chuckle and I see a smirk growing on his face. 

"No I just wanted to hold you." He tells me as I turn the stove off. I walk towards the door and we grab out coats on our way out. He shuts the door behind him as we walk down the streets of Pittsburgh. I guess this is going to be our new life now. Which I'm happy about, less sex more us. I guess that this is gonna be our new beginnings.

(Authors note)
Hello readers sadly this is the end. This had been my first story on Wattpad and to be honest, I'm kinda proud of it. It may not get a lot of reads, but it lead me to create You Belong With Me. It has been a great run, but all good things have to come to an end. Thank you to everyone who read and voted on this story and stay tuned for some new stories.

Keep on reading,

Sunshine ReturnsWhere stories live. Discover now