Wedding Preparations

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(Justin's P.O.V)

I opened the box of wedding things. I winced as all the memories inside made me want to cry. Everything in this box was what we had saved for our original wedding a year and a half ago, before we cut it. A tear fell from my eye as I realized that the only reason I was back was because I wasn't happy in New York. If I had been doing well with my art, Brian and I may not be together. In the 5 months I was gone we tried to stay together. Brian visited me as much as possible and we talked everyday. Then he got to busy, I was struggling just to pay my phone bill let alone everything else. We broke up 5 weeks after I left and I still remember it like it was yesterday.


Brian had shown up at my doorstep at 8:30pm. "What are you doing here?" I asked him, happy to see him, yet confused at the same time.

"Come home," he begged, "Please, I need you, you need me, I can't stand the fact that I don't wake up next to you every morning."

I looked up at Brian, "Bri.." I began to say, but then he cut me off..

"Justin? Do you love me?" He asked.

"Of course I love you! Do you think we'd be here if I didn't?" I asked him back.

He gave me a sad look, a look that I'll never forget, "If you love me, then why did you let me let you go?" He asked me. I was about to respond when he put his hand up to silence me. He kissed me on my lips and walked away into the night. That was the last I heard from him until 2 weeks before I came back.

(Present Day) 

I grabbed the guest list out from the bottom of the box, and walked over to my desk. I looked around to see if Brian was around, which he wasn't as he had left to grab Chinese food for dinner. I looked at the time, I had 30 minutes to read through the whole guest list and begin making invitations. I opened up my desk drawer and looked for a key, this key opened up the top drawer on my desk. Why do I keep it locked? You may ask. It's because it holds my biggest secret. I find the key and open the drawer and pull out the one thing I'm ashamed of, my glasses. Now I've always needed glasses, mostly for reading, but I've never worn them in front of Brian. It may sound silly, but I always felt that my glasses would be the one imperfection that would cause Brian to leave me. I know, I'm insecure, but when Brian had cancer he kicked me out and that was temporary, glasses are permanent... 

I read through the list to see all of the names of my friends, a couple addresses had changed, but that was really all.. No one, thankfully, had died or been banned from coming. I saw the names of my friends, all the people who had helped me since I met Brian... I had slept on all of their couches numerous of times whenever we fought I was welcomed into any of their homes. I grab the remote to the radio and play some music from my iPod. The first song is my favorite, Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol. I turn it up as I go online and begin typing up invitations. I didn't even hear the elevator doors open as I was too busy choosing fonts and colors. I jumped from my chair as I felt Brian's arms wrap around me.

"It's me, everything is okay..." He whispers into my ear. I pull away from him and run into the bathroom hoping he didn't see my glasses..

"Sorry," I said as I walked out of the bathroom. My glasses in my second safety spot. "I felt nauseous.." I mumbled, walking past Brian and into the kitchen to set the table for dinner. The sweet aroma of Pork Fried Rice and Crab Rangoon fill the loft. I hurry to set the table as we only have 30 minutes before Brian's "No Carbs After Seven" rule kicks in.

3 minutes later we're sitting at the table and he's passing me the duck sauce.. "So how are the preparations for the wedding going?" He asked me as he pours duck sauce onto his plate.

"Good," I say with a smile, "I think I figured out a good palette for the invitations, and we can do the writing later. Tomorrow we have a meeting with the florist in the morning, and the baker in the afternoon. " I inform him..

"Sounds good," he replies with a nod.

It's 7:23pm as I finish cleaning up dinner and get dressed into my sweatpants. I sit down at the computer again and begin looking for venues. Brian closes the bathroom door and I can here the shower water running. My phone rings and it's from my mom.

"Hey mom," I say.

"Hi honey, I didn't know if you wanted to have lunch tomorrow at my house? I'm making Chicken Parma, Debbie's recipe, your favorite." She asks..

"Mom, as great as that sounds, Brian and I already have lunch plans... I'm sorry.. What about dinner though? We'll be free anytime after 4:30!" I tell her.. I definitely didn't want to have to say no to my own mom without giving her a good reason, but I wanted her to find out with an invitation.

"Sounds great honey! How does 5:45 sound?" she asks me.

"5:45 sounds great mom! I'll see you then!" We hang up just as Brian gets out of the bathroom.

"We're having dinner with my mother tomorrow night." I tell him more as a statement than a question. He brings over a newspaper and shows it to me.

"Sounds good, look at this," he shows me an article. It's all blurry to me without my glasses.

"Wow looks good," I say to him hoping I convinced him enough.

"Read it out loud to me," He says smiling at me, "Or do you need these?" He asks holding up my glasses..

It's silent for 2 minutes. I'm pacing around the living room.  I don't look at him at all, but I can tell he's looking at me. His breath heavy  and warm against my neck. I don't know what to say, he's never confronted me like this before. He's calm, not a single flame burning him up.. After 2 minutes I speak up..

"I'm sorry..." I mumble, "That I didn't tell you before.." He walks over to me and pulls me into his chest.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked softly.

"I was worried you would dump me.. It's just another one of my imperfections.." I sigh looking down at the ground.

"Justin, I... I love you.. For who you are, not because you have 20/20 vision.. I'm not so shallow that I would actually leave you because you have glasses.. I'm just upset that you didn't say anything.." He says as he kisses the top of my head. I grab them out of his hand and put them on.. My head hurts a lot less, now that I'm not straining my eyes to read everything in the loft.

"Then.." I say as I take a deep breath.. "This is me." I turn around facing him with my glasses.

"MMM.. they work on you baby," He smirks at me, "those glasses make you look sexy as fuck..." He kisses me. A kiss that could've led to other things, besides for the fact that someone knocked on the door. I groaned in sadness as Brian broke the kiss and walked over to answer it. I followed behind. Something that now, I wish I didn't..

Brian opens the loft door to the person who I never wanted to see again,

"Hello Justin," says the man.

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry this chapter left off at a cliff hanger, but what are you gonna do? I know! Guess who the man is? Let me know in the comments section down below, who you think is at the loft, and maybe a sentence on why they're there? I can't wait to hear your response!

Until Next Time,

Keep On Reading!


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