Caring About Him

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(Brian's P.O.V)

I'm standing there, feeling all alone when actually there is at least 100 people with me. I swear this could be a scene in one of those sad romantic movies Justin adores. The ones where it's dark outside, and one of the main characters are wearing a black suit, and it's raining. This scene is my reality right now, and honestly today couldn't be any worse. Just the fact that I'm here is bad. I shouldn't even be here though. I should be at home with Justin, happy, planning my wedding with him. But I'm not. Instead I'm out here in the cold, where I just cried my eyes out for 2 hours straight while I sat though the stupid funeral that I had been begging not to go to, but I was forced anyways. Unfortunately, even after all of this is done and over with, I still can't go home. I still have to go to the dinner, and then go to my hotel to pick up my bags, then get on the plane. That's when I can go home, back to Pittsburgh, attempting to claim a little bit of my life back.. But it never will be the same.   

(2 weeks earlier, moments after the last chapter ended)

For the second time in 7 years my life came crashing down.  After the gunshot I froze there staring at Justin as he fell down to the ground, holding onto his chest. As soon as Craig had realized what he had done, he ran. After 2 minutes of being frozen, I came back to life. I picked up the phone, dialed 9-1-1, and ran over to Justin. 

"9-1-1, what's your emergency?" Said the operator in a calm tone.

" boyfriend,...oh god.... please, send help now!" I cry into the phone attempting to check Justin for a pulse.

"Sir, what happened?" Asked the woman, again in the same calm tone.

"He..he was shot, just now, he was...shot.. in the chest... Fuck! I..I can't... I can't find a pulse. please send an ambulance!

"Help is on the way, sir." The operator said still calm, however she now had a sense of urgency in her tone. 

I quickly hung up and ran into the kitchen to grab a towel to apply pressure. That's what they did in that fucking hospital show Justin watches all the time.. Grey's Anatomy I think it's called. I'm praying they're right, but then again they also bang each other in the break room more times than I bang Justin in 1 day, so who knows at this point. I press down on the wound, thanking god that it isn't too big, and there isn't a lot of blood. The EMT's take their sweet ass time getting to the loft, but within 15 minutes Justin is on a gurney being placed in an ambulance with me following behind him in the jeep.

I arrive at the hospital right behind Justin, however I take 25 minutes to break down and cry my eyes out before I actually put myself together and go inside. I walk up to the nurse asking her where Justin is, her answer? The Intensive Care Unit.. The last time he had been in the ICU was after the bashing with Hobbs, god.. I thank her and walk to the elevator and head up to the ICU.

The Intensive Care Unit at any hospital is plain out depressing. You can't visit the patient for more than 15 minutes every hour and for me, the other 45 minutes seem like a lifetime when it comes to Justin. I walk up to the nurse's station hoping to see Justin.

"How may I help you?" asks the perky nurse, I hate her already.

"I'm Brian Kinny. My boyfriend, Justin Taylor was just brought in about 30 minutes ago, I didn't know if there was any update on him." I say

The nurse looks down at her computer and begins typing away. "Justin is out of sugary and is in a room for the night, I'm sorry, but you can't come into the ICU unless you are family." The nurse informs me.

"He's my fiance, I'm his medical proxy, power of attorney, his emergency contact, and I was his legal guardian for a year. Is that family enough for you?" I snark at the nurse.

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