The morning after (Cassie Cage X Ethan (my OC); Fluff)

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Requested by no one, I just wanted to do something for Cassie X Ethan. For more information on Ethan, please read my book The wolf inside me! Special shoutout to my friend  Sun_Summoner_ for helping me with the storyline and title!

(Cassie's POV)

I woke up in the morning to find my blankets balled up near the edge of my bed and all but two of my pillows on the floor. "What the heck happened?" I asked myself as I rubbed my eyes, noticing the reddish brown fur all over me and my bed and the heavy weight on my chest. Putting the puzzle pieces together, I figured out exactly what had happened while I was sleeping: my werewolf boyfriend, Ethan, had stolen the blankets and kicked the pillows off our bed before eventually curling up and sleeping on top of me. Again. "Get off of me, you stupid furball," I scolded him, not having the heart nor the strength to shove him off. "But you're so comfy," Ethan murmured sleepily, refusing to open his amber eyes. "I'm serious, babe! Get off me!" I snapped angrily. Ethan jumped off of me and stretched himself before grooming his chest fur. "Ugh, why do you do this every time you're in your ultimate form?" I grumbled in annoyance as I facepalmed. Ethan stopped licking his chest, looked up at me with wide puppy eyes, folded his ears back in shame, and padded over to me. "I'm sorry, Cass," he whimpered in apology before planting a gentle, loving lick on my nose. I smiled gently, my anger melting away. "I can't stay mad at you," I sighed lovingly as I gently ruffled his fur. Ethan then switched back to his human form, and the two of us got started on our morning routine.

(Ethan's POV)

Cass and I were about to walk out the door to grab our morning coffee when she stopped dead in her tracks. "Ethan! Did you chew the pillows again?" she yelled, pointing to the torn fabric and stuffing slung on the living room floor. "Sorry," I murmured in embarrassment. "Honestly, babe, you've got to figure out a better way to manage your anxiety than chewing stuff up!" Cassie grumbled before walking out the door. At work, she'd occasionally grumble about how she'd have to replace the pillows, rewash our sheets, and vacuum the carpets, even though I'd apologized numerous times. Eventually, I realized that words wouldn't be enough; I'd have to get her an apology gift. "Flowers won't work," I thought. "I mean, this is a girl who can prevent a guy from having kids with a single punch."

(3rd person POV)

"Hey, Cassie, I'm home!" Ethan called out to his girlfriend. "What took you so long?" Cassie asked teasingly. Ethan explained that he'd bought laundry detergent, fabric softener, carpet powder and a few new pillows. "Thanks, Ethan. I mean, it's the least you could do," the blonde girl chuckled. "There's also... this," Ethan added, blushing, as he handed Cassie a box.

(Cassie's POV)

At first, I thought it would be flowers, but when I opened the box, I was ecstatic to find a new handgun. "Aw, thanks, babe! You know me so well!" I squealed, giving Ethan a tender kiss. He seemed a bit surprised, but kissed back. Later that night, I was snuggled next to him while he was in his human form. "Thanks for everything," I murmured. "Not a problem," Ethan chuckled lovingly. I smiled and rested my head on his muscular chest. "Good night, handsome~" I whispered. "Good night, Cass," my boyfriend whispered, blushing slightly, before we both fell asleep.

That's all for now, my kawaii wolf dragons! Sorry if the story was cringey, it's my first ever oneshot. If I don't get any requests, the next chapter will be a Kung Jin X Erron Black fluff! Have a great day/night!

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