I can't hurt you (Erron Black X Fem. reader; Fluff and angst)

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Technically requested by my friend  Sun_Summoner_

During our lunch period, we were looking at images and X reader fanfics of Erron Black, so now she has a crush on him (just like me), and suggested that I could write an Erron Black X female reader fanfic. So this is a gift for her, as well as all you Erron Black simpers out there! Anyways, enjoy! Plz note that, in this oneshot, Erron Black is still a bounty hunter who lives in Outworld.

(Erron Black's POV)

It was a peaceful day in Outworld. I was just sittin' around Kotal Kahn's palace, carvin' names into my bullets. "Hey, Erron!" a female voice called out cheerfully. Looking up from my task, I smiled at Y/N, the pretty young woman whom I was training to be a gunslinger. "Howdy, Y/N," I greeted her. "Can I help ya with something?" Y/N let out her adorable giggle as she twirled a strand of her H/C hair around one finger. "Surely you haven't forgotten that you're supposed to be training me today?" she asked teasingly, her E/C eyes glittering. "Oh shit! Sorry, Y/N! I completely forgot!" I apologized quickly, wondering how I could be so stupid. "It's fine, cowboy! Besides, I literally just woke up, like, 15 minutes ago!" Y/N laughed awkwardly, looking down at her F/C tank-top and sweatpants. "Don't sweat it, Y/N," I chuckled. "You look good."

(Y/N's POV)

I blushed a bit. "R-really?" I squeaked, worrying that my cheeks were more hot pink than their normal S/C. Did Erron Black, the cutest guy in all the realms, just say I look good, even though I'm a hot mess? "Yep. Y'all gunslinging gals are always hot," he chuckled in his sexy Southern drawl as he tucked a strand of my H/L H/C hair, which was hanging off the side of my H/S, behind my left ear. "Th-th-thank you, Erron Black!" I stuttered, wondering if Erron was just flirting like he did with pretty much every girl he came across or if he actually returned my feelings. "Anytime, Y/NN," the cowboy chuckled before we started working on a new firing technique. "I gotta say, Y/N, you're turnin' out to be a mighty fine gunslinger," Erron chuckled once we were finished. "Well, I do have the best teacher in the realms!" I giggled before I let out a yawn. "You tired, Y/N?" my mentor asked, concern edging his voice and brimming in his eyes. "N-no, I'm fine!" l lied, trying to hide the fact that I'd only gotten four hours of sleep last night.

(Erron Black's POV)

I sighed and gently placed my left hand on Y/N's cheek, my brown eyes locked with her E/C. "Y/N, don't bother lyin' to me. I know you're tired. Please, get some rest," I begged her. Y/N smiled beautifully. "Thanks, Erron," she sighed with relief. "Anytime, Y/NN," I chuckled before the two of us walked off to our rooms.

(Timeskip to a couple hours later; 3rd person POV)

Erron Black was sitting on his bed, carving names into his bullets and daydreaming about Y/N when he felt someone gently tap his shoulder. "Kotal Kahn wishes to see you," Reptile said as he deactivated his camouflage. "Aright, I'm comin'," Erron replied before getting up and following his snake-like friend into Kotal's throne room. "Erron Black, you have a new target that must be killed," the Outworld ruler commanded. "Who is it?" the cowboy asked, tightening the grip of his gun. "Y/N. We've recently received word that her friend, BFF/N, has been working as a spy for Mileena, and Y/N has been covering for his/her/their job at the marketplace. Thus, we have every reason to believe Y/N is a spy too. We cannot risk her leaking our secrets to Mileena. She must die," Kotal explained firmly. "I-I understand, Kotal. You won't be disappointed," the gunslinger replied, biting his lip beneath his mask and struggling to hold back his tears. "Good. Y/N is already being held in the dungeons. We'll leave you to kill her," Kotal chuckled darkly before leading him to the room where an unconscious Y/N was tied up to a chair.

(Y/N's POV)

I woke up tied to a chair, Erron and Kotal Kahn standing in front of me. "W-what's going on?" I squeaked in terror. "Don't think we don't know about your role in your friend BFF/N's treachery," Kotal Kahn spat. "Your life is the price to pay for your betrayal." Tears began flowing from my E/C eyes as Kotal turned to Erron. "I'll come fetch you and Y/N's body later," he said coldly before leaving us alone. I closed my eyes, preparing myself for my death at Erron's bullets and the physical and emotional pain that would come with it. But it never came. Instead, I heard a loud clatter as Erron threw his gun on the ground. When I opened my eyes, I was shocked to see the cowboy crying. "I can't hurt you, Y/N!" he sobbed, tears pouring down his face as he threw his mask to the ground. "B-but why?" I asked. Erron blushed a deep, scarlet red. "I-I'm in love with you, Y/N!" he blurted out. "I love everythin' about you, baby gal. Your gorgeous E/C eyes... your H/L, silky, shiny H/C hair... your smile... your laugh... your personality... You've had my heart since the day we met, Y/N. Besides, I know you're innocent!" Erron began to untie me as he continued crying. "Oh, Erron... I feel the same way," I whispered, gazing into his eyes. Once I was untied, Erron gently cupped my cheeks in his hands and kissed me. I was a bit shocked, but kissed back passionately. Later that day, Erron convinced Kotal of my innocence. "I'm terribly sorry, Miss Y/N," he apologized. "And to you, too, Erron." Erron dipped his hat at almost the same time I dipped my head. "It's alright," we replied in unison. "But if y'all accuse my girlfriend again, I'm quittin'!" Erron snapped before we shared a passionate kiss.

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