Reader abbreviations

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Not a new oneshot, just a little guide on the abbreviations I'll be using for the reader (might update later)

Y/N= Your name

Y/NN= Your nickname

H/C= Your hair color

H/L= Your hair length

H/S= Your hair style

S/C= Your skin color

E/C= Your eye color

F/C= Your favorite color

BFF/N= Your best friend's name

L/N= Your last name

D/N= Your dad's name (I originally did it as F/N, but I decided to make that something else)

B/N= Your boss' name (if you're a student you could read it as the name of your teacher)

M/N= Your mom's name

F/N = Your friend's name (can be read as the name of any of your friends, doesn't really matter)

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