My Belle of the Ball (Tanya X Mileena; Fluff)

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(Art above isn't mine, it belongs to Brandon Matthews on Pinterest)

Requested by Flameriser18

Finally, a request! Also, a heads up: I personally give this ship a 75%, but I'm a multishipper who respects people's opinions (unless that ship is incest, pedophilia, and/or illegal in some other way(. This oneshot also contains mentions of Jade X Kitana (A ship I personally rate 74%, but, as previously stated, I respect people's opinions). A piece of advice: Ship what you want (legally of course), and respect people's opinions (as long as the ship isn't illegal).

A little background for you kawaii wolf dragons: in my AU, Mileena, Tanya, and Rain ended up rebelling against Shao Kahn and pledged loyalty to Kitana and Jade. The five united Outworld and Edenia into the kingdom of Outworldenia, and forged the Earthrealm-Outworldenian Alliance (pretty self-explanatory). This particular oneshot is set two years after the alliance was established, and takes place at a ball celebrating the alliance. And the reader- as well as the reader's family and two best friends (BTW Y/N is female, and so are her two friends) are staff at the Outworldenian palace, because why not. Anyways, enjoy! (Sorry that this took so long, and if the story is cringe)

(Mileena's POV)

I was filled with contentment as I sat on a flower-covered hill with my darling Tanya, my head on her shoulder, her arm around my waist, as we gazed at the stars. Just as I leaned in to kiss her, a loud knock yanked me out of my dream and back into my bed, where I'd collapsed out of exhaustion from a long day of my duties. “Are you awake, Queen Mileena?" Y/N -one of the palace staff and my lady-in-waiting (A/N For those of you who don't know, a lady-in-waiting {the following description comes from Wikipedia} is a female personal assistant at a court, attending on a royal woman or a high-ranking noblewoman)- asked softly from the other side of the door. "I am now. What is it?" I asked, my mind still blurry from sleep. "I just wanted to inform you that the ball is due to begin soon," she informed me gently. My eyes widened in shock; how in the Netherrealm could I forget? I felt so stupid. "Oh, yes! O-of course!" I stuttered, leaping out of bed. "Do you need help, your highness?" Y/N asked gently. "N-no, Miss Y/N! I've got it!" I said quickly. "Very well, my queen. Please, do not hesitate to call on me if you need me," she answered. As soon as I heard her walking away from my room, I leaped into the shower.

(Tanya's POV)

"You look truly stunning, Princess Tanya," my lady-in-waiting said as she gently brushed my hair. "All thanks to you, Lady BFF/N," I replied warmly. Once she was finished, I slipped on my shoes, and she began to escort me towards the throne room. On the way, we passed by Y/N, who looked like she was just leaving Mileena's bedroom. "Hello, Princess Tanya," Y/N greeted me as she curtsied. "Greetings, Lady Y/N," I replied with a polite nod. After Y/N and BFF/N briefly chatted, the three of us continued our way to the ballroom, where we found the other royals -Kitana, Jade and Rain- waiting (A/N When Outworldenia was founded, Sindel chose to become a duchess instead of a queen). After the greetings, I took my place on my throne. "Is Mileena ready, Lady Y/N?" Kitana asked. "Yeah, why wasn't she with you?" I added, trying not to sound too concerned. "She said she wasn't ready yet," my crush's lady-in-waiting replied. "Well, she's probably tired," I said quickly. "Oh, what makes you say that?" Rain asked teasingly. "Sh-she worked hard during training earlier!" I stuttered, my cheeks bright pink. "Are you sure that you aren't just defending her because you love her?" Rain teased again. "Rain, enough," Jade told him firmly as M/N -Kitana's lady-in-waiting and Y/N's mother- gave Y/N, BFF/N, and F/N -BFF/N and Y/N's good friend and Jade's lady-in-waiting- a firm glare that told them to stop giggling. "Queen Mileena will arrive when she's ready," Kitana added, gently intertwining her fingers with her girlfriend's.

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