The Queens' Wedding (Jade X Kitana; Fluff)

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Requested by Flameriser18

I'm so sorry this took so long. It's been a while since I've written a wedding scene (and even then, it was for a hetero wedding in a fandom that I'm no longer in), so I apologize if this is bad. Keep in mind that I came up with a few original wedding traditions for Outworldenia, I'll explain them as they come up. This takes place a couple months after the previous oneshot. Anyways, enjoy!

(Kitana's POV)

My heart raced in a mixture of excitement and nerves as my lady-in-waiting, M/N, gently brushed and braided my hair (A/N Kitana's hairstyle is the same as Jade's in the image below, sorry if it’s too dark to see, basically it's the style that Jade has in most of her human skins in MK 11)

As I gazed into the mirror, wearing Jade's favorite mask (A/N This tradition is called mask swapping; Kitana and Jade each have to wear the other's favorite mask -aka Kitana's classic dark blue mask with a silver stripes on the top and Jade's gree...

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As I gazed into the mirror, wearing Jade's favorite mask (A/N This tradition is called mask swapping; Kitana and Jade each have to wear the other's favorite mask -aka Kitana's classic dark blue mask with a silver stripes on the top and Jade's green mask with a bunch of gold plating from MK 11- from the day of or after the engagement up until the day of the wedding, when they're removed before the vows), I couldn't believe just how far she and I had come. The thousands of years she and I had known each had brought us good times and bad, laughter and tears, joy and sorrow, war and peace, friends and foes, and countless hours of passion. And now, at last, the day had come: I was finally going to become her wife. As M/N helped me put on my makeup, I recalled her proposal….

(Flashback to a couple months earlier; 3rd person POV)

“Your attention, please!” Jade's voice rang out over the ballroom. Suddenly, the overlapping conversations stopped, and all eyes were fixed on her. “I just want to thank you all for coming,” the dark-skinned Outworldenian princess said warmly, “It means the world to all of us royals.” The guests smiled and nodded, some raising their glasses, others calling out their agreements. “But we must thank the woman who made all of this- not just this ball, but also this glorious kingdom and the Outworldenian Alliance- possible: my darling Queen Kitana.” With a huge smile on her face, Jade fixed her green eyes on her girlfriend. “Kitana, you are by far the most amazing person I have ever met. I can't imagine what my life would be like without you, and I want to spend the rest of my days ruling Outworldenia with you.” Kitana's expression changed from slightly confused to overwhelmed with love as her girlfriend got down on one knee and opened a teal velvet box (A/N This tradition {which is optional but highly recommended} involves using a box that is the favorite color of one or both partners {in this case combining blue [Kitana's favorite color] with green [Jade's favorite] to make teal} to hold the ring used to propose) to reveal a beautiful silver ring with three Edenian diamonds -two colorless diamonds, one on each side of a larger pink diamond-, and looked up at her lovingly. “Kitana, my beautiful, intelligent, powerful, compassionate, wonderful Kitana, will you marry me?” Jade asked, her eyes and voice filled with love and hope. “Yes, a thousand times, yes!” Kitana exclaimed, tears of joy pouring down her cheeks.

(Back to the present; Jade's POV)

I stood at the altar, dressed in a gown nearly identical to the one Kitana wore at the ball where I proposed, with the only exceptions being the long, emerald green sleeves decorated with tiny teal diamonds carved into butterfly shapes and the golden ribbon around the waist (A/N This tradition -which only applies to lesbian Outworldenian weddings- involves each bride wearing a dress almost the same as the other's favorite dress, with the addition of wrist-length sleeves in the wearer’s favorite color, a ribbon in the color of their favorite metal {gold, silver, bronze, rose-gold,  or platinum white}, and butterfly-shaped jewels in either a combination of the brides’ favorite color, or, if they have the same favorite color, that color), along with her favorite mask, my favorite gold-toed green boots, the same makeup -pale pale lipstick and rose-gold eyeshadow- she wore the night I proposed (A/N Another tradition for lesbian weddings, on the day of the wedding, each bride has to wear the same makeup the other wore on the day of the proposal) and one of her fans, tucked into my belt for the hair-ribbon-cutting ceremony. (A/N For this tradition, which can be for any type of wedding, one or both partners have their hair tied up in the other's favorite style with a ribbon in the other's favorite color and use the other's weapon of choice to cut the ribbon and let their partner's hair fall {Jade's hair is tied up in the bun Kitana has in most of her human MK11 skins with a silver ribbon, Kitana's hair is tied up in the braid mentioned earlier with a gold ribbon, Jade will use Kitana's fan to cut Kitana's hair ribbon, and Kitana will use Jade's razor-rang to cut Jade's hair ribbon). When I saw Sindel walking my darling Kitana down the aisle, I felt as if the Wind God, Fujin -who was sitting in the front row with his fellow Elder Gods and his mortal boyfriend, Fujin (A/N Yes, I ship Nightwolf and Fujin, might do a oneshot on them in the future)- had called all of the air out of my body. Though Kitana was always beautiful no matter what she was wearing, she looked particularly goddess-like in her green gown nearly equivalent to the one I wore when I proposed -only with long dark blue sleeves with butterfly-shaped teal diamonds and a silver ribbon around the waist-, plum-colored eyeshadow, her favorite dark blue boots, and my favorite mask as Duchess Sindel walked her down the aisle. “Oh, my dear Kitana, you look STUNNING,” I whispered as I took her hands in mine. “So do you, my sweet Jade,” she replied with a giggle. After welcoming the guests, Rain asked if there were any objections. Upon hearing none, Rain asked the traditional questions any officiant would in a marriage ceremony as Kitana slowly reached and removed her mask from my face before taking my razor-rang to cut the ribbon in my hair. As the ribbon fell to the ground, my hair cascaded down my back, and I declared, “I do. I want to be my darling Kitana's wife, queen, best friend, and soulmate from now until forever.”

(Kitana's POV)

My heart swelled with love as the time came. After saying her vows, Jade removed her mask from my face -revealing my wine-red lipstick and huge smile- and used my fan to slice the ribbon from my hair, tugging my hair free from its braid. “I do, I swear to the Elder Gods that I'll be a faithful, loving wife to my precious Jade until the end of time!” I declared happily. “Then, by the power invested in me, I pronounce you, Queen Jade and Queen Kitana of Outworldenia, woman and wife! You may kiss the bride!” As soon as the words left his mouth, Jade scooped me up as we shared a passionate kiss. It was official: we were wives, forever and always, ready to take on whatever challenges the future had for us, knowing that our love could get us through anything.

Hope you enjoyed this, Flameriser18! If any of you kawaii wolf dragons have a request, don't hesitate to comment on any chapter of this book or DM it to me! Anyways, have a great day/night!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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