Chapter 2

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Leo stared at me, as my fingers fiddled with the gems in my hands. "Did you steal those?" I looked around nervously, 'No point in Lying now Shadow.' Venus said in my head. "Look...."-"No you look! Why can't you be good? Why can't you be nice?!" I sighed heavily.

"Leo we went over this million of times. It's just not me. I'm sorry." I said looking up. "Do you even care that you do this?" "It's an obsession." I said. "Alright." "Alright what?" He paced around my room with a smug look to his face. "You're going to a rehab." He said leaning against the wall, his white hair choppy against his eyes. "A WHAT?!!!"

"A rehab, and don't even try to break out, it's for Adult delinquents, spell barriers, and all the fun shit you like breaking and getting into you can't." "We'll see about that...." I muttered under my breath. "What was that?" I glared at him. Leo smiled. "Good, get packed". "Were you planning this?" I asked. "You know, Shadow, I'm more smarter than you like to think. I've known about this for a while, just waiting for the right time." He got up and left. I sat there and groaned loudly into my pillow. Are you kidding me!! I got up and started packing, my clothes and my necklaces and new gems.

This is going to suck. In no time it was 5:00 PM, and it was time to go. I got dressed in black converses and white jeans and a loose grey v neck shirt. I put my back pack on. All I needed were a couple of stuff, I didn't think I would be staying there at all long. I put on black and green make up on. "You ready?" I looked over at Leo and glared. "so not talking to me, huh?" "Where's the damn rehab at?" "Peru". Interesting. I wonder if they have my Wanted picture up still. "Is that the only one...." I moaned. "It's the one top in the world, and I want to be sure it's going to be, fun for you and me." He sarcastically said. He packed his stuff and food and money, and mine with more clothes than I thought. I thought we were flying, guess not.

We got into a '67 Impala and started driving. You might wonder why drive? Well when you get to be as old as me you get to miss doing normal stuff.

I've just calculated how long this is going to take. About six days in a car.

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