Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I grabbed my stuff and started unpacking as Claire started asking questions about Leo. "Is he your boyfriend? He's really cute!! Oh? I shouldn't say that if he is your boyfriend." She said. "He's not." I started putting my clothes in the dressers. "Oh! He isn't! Good!" I could feel her green gaze into my back. "What is he then?" She asked. Geez this girl didn't know how to shut up. "He's my brother.. Actually he's my twin." "He's your twin!? But.. How come you guys don't look alike?!" I sighed and said. "We're fraternal twins." A knock on the door, made me turn my head. A slim lady wearing what looked like pajamas, was carrying a clip board. "Shadow Felix, right?" "Yeah?" "I need to confiscate your stuff. I need to make sure you don't have anything... Dangerous." I gave her the rest of my bag, very very hesitant. "If I found out you took my diamonds, and I will. I know which is which. And each of them have names." She raised an eye brow and checked my name off the list. "Your a shapeshifter?" She asked, eyes wide. She smiled. "Your a bit of a celebrity." She looked over to Claire. "Did you take your meds?" She asked and Claire nodded as saluted which seemed to make Pajama lady happy. I watch her leave.

" So what do we do now?" I asked her. "Well.. We have a schedule depending on what your here for. You don't have your schedule yet, so you can just follow mine." "Alright." She looked at the clock. "Oh! We re almost late for lunch!" She grabbed my hand and we ran downstairs, into this huge mess hall were alot of people gathered. I spotted a couple werewolves, vampires, fairies. I could tell who were werewolves because their so territorial, and plus the way they glared at vampires. I wonder what Claire was.. Since we were late, when we opened the huge doors, everyone stared at us. "I think they're staring at you." I said. "No.. They're staring at you.." A few people glared, others smiled, and others smirked. "Feels like high school all over again...." I groaned.

We went through the line and I grabbed an apple and a water. Claire had gotten a salad with ranch dressing. I wasn't very hungry for.. Well, you know.. Chi.. But if I didn't get any I would eventually become weaker, and die.

I followed her and she sat next to her friends. She introduced me. "Guys this is Shadow." She smiled and sat down. I sat down and chomped on my apple. But before I could finish, the big bulky doors opened again and a tall lady came in and went to the front of the room. We were sitting in the front. "Hi I'm Matt." A cute blonde said in front of me, he smiled showing his fangs. Vampire. I nodded. The lady cleared her throat and everyone got silent. Seems like she ran the place. "What is she? A giant?" I snickered. "Amazon actually.." Claire whispered.

The amazon lady started speaking. "We have a new entry. So please come up here." She scanned the room and eventually locked eyes with me. I reluntically got up and when up next to this freakishly tall Amazon, but I guess this was normal height for her. "Everyone this is Shadow Felix. Be nice she's the only shapeshifter left alive. Almost an extinct species." Great. So much for fitting in. I shrugged. "She also has a very particular kind of diet. Chi. So people who are willing to help feed her, sign up." Some one said in the audience. "She can't feed herself.?! Haha!" My eyes glowed a silver crescent. And who ever that was went back to being quiet.

Sometimes it's good to be able to intimidate people. .

The amazon woman looked down at me, as I looked up. I stared at her features, long brown hair, slim tall body. She was wearing a nice suit. I shapeshifted into a complete replica of her, growing a couple feet too.

She stared at me, wide eyed. "Any questions?" I asked. Everyone was quiet. I shapeshifted back to my original form. I sat back down. Claire and the others stared at me. "What?" "Your so cool!" Claire gasped. "That was kinda hot..." Mike said staring googly eyes at me. I chuckled. "Nice to know you think amazon woman is hot!" Claire bumped Mike. The rest of Claire's group stared at me. None of then introduced themselves. I chomped on my apple. "So.. What are the rules of this place?" I asked nonchalantly, as though I wasn't goin to break them..

"Well,. No guys in the woman's dorms after 11. We wake up everyday at 8, cook breakfast and then different people have different group sessions so that and we have different activities through out the day. And after dinner you can basically do whatever." Mike said matter of factly.

I nodded, fun. "So what are you guys hear for? That make you a danger to society?" I asked. They couldn't possibly top mine. "I'm a blood addict.. Whenever I see humans, I get an almost overwhelming urge to rip their neck out..." Mike said sheepishly. I looked at Claire. "Eating disorder." They looked at me. "Well, I'm wanted in several different countries because i love and have a obsession of stealing valuable jewelry. I also have I guess a eating disorder. When I feed, I almost completely drain them.and let's not forget my anger issues." I laughed. "But I definitely don't need to be here. I can handle myself."

Claire and Mike burst out laughing. They said in unison. "Stage one." And Mike stared at me intently. "Are you the one that's always on tv, stealing shit, and the FBI and CIA can never find you?" I nodded proud. "You're our basis for entertainment in mess hall, this mess hall is also our chill out room for us to socialize. "

"What's stage one?" I asked looking around. "Denial." Claire said. I scoffed. And mike started. "Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance. Five stages and you missy are on number one." I never looked at it like that. I remember Leo going through something similar when our parents died. I remember his anger and him crying. It was one of the saddest things I've ever seen. I really didn't want to think of my brother right now..

I got up and started walking to the door. "Shadow!? Where are you going?" I was walking trying not to get in anybodies way. A blonde girl with purple highlights came up with me she had what she looked like a strawberry smoothie. She bumped into me, and spilled the smoothie over my head and shirt and pants. I stood there as the slush slopped down. "Oops." She smirked. She started to walk away. I grabbed her blonde hair. My fingers dug into it. "Owww!! Stop let go!" She yelled. A couple amazon woman guards came in. I whispered in her ear. "This isn't high school Hun, and if your gunna make me look like a fool, then you gotta make sure they dont have guards around." "Let her go!" A guard say. I smiled, and let go. She went back to her friends. I started walking to the door. "Where do you think your going?" A guard said as she was in front of me. "Move." Everyone was quiet since watching the confrontation. Shadows started covering the building and windows soon swallowing the whole building in darkness. My eyes glowed silver crescents. "Move." I growled. She moved and the shadows went away and I went to my room. The leader of the amazons came to my room. I could feel her presence as soon as she came to the doorway. "I never told you, but my name is Ms. Downing. And I understand why no body likes it here. It's a prison and feels like high school again. But you have a couple problems. Give us a chance to fix them. " she said. "Why hasn't anyone escaped?" I asked. "People try, but this part of Peru has a huge barrier on it so you can't escape unless your released to do so." I nodded. So it's no point in trying.

"Listen, I understand this is different, just take the rest of the day off, and tomorrow you can start." She handed me my schedule. Fun. She left and I stared at it.

8:00 wake up

10:00 prepare breakfast

12:00 (optional go to lunch)

1:00 Anger Management

2:30 Group Therapy

4:00 One on One therapy session

5:00 prepare dinner

6:00 Eat

7:00-10:00 free time

11:00 bed

I set the schedule on the nightstand next to my bed and opened my family album.

(A/N: hope you liked it. Leave a comment, rate vote. :))

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