Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

She stared at me, wide eyed. Her pupils enlarged, and fear showed. I gripped the knife against her neck. "Shhh., all this will be over soon..." Fear showed in her eyes. You should be afraid of me, i thought to myself. The anger was rising in me again. The hatred I had for her father. Im not a murderer. 'You used to be.. You remember the hard times on the street. All alone.. The drugs..' Venus tempted in my head. I wasn't that girl anymore. I promised myself to never go back to that. I knocked Claire out. I needed to find a way out of here. To get to my brother. I shapeshifted into an amazon woman and looked at the map i had. I needed to get to the control panel.. To shut off the barrier and leave. I looked down at the floor. My phone. I grabbed it. I opened it, no messages or phone calls. "Dammit Leo." I cursed. I got my stuff and looked at the map. It looked like it was in an office. In the center of the building, and most likely most guarded. I walked normally, to the office, guards around every corner. 

   I got to the center building. "Oh hello, Ms. Downing." Startled, I jumped. "Oh Hello." I said. "What are you doing up this late...?" A guard asked. "Oh, just making sure everything is okay.." "Are you feeling okay?" He asked. I grabbed his throat out, with out meaning too. "We're doing this my way, Shadow." Venus!? How did you take over my body? "Because your weak. I'm getting out of here, and then, Leo shall be mine."  How dare you. She must of weakened me while I was passed out by the drugs. My, my. I looked out my eyes, unable to move myself. Venus was really in charge. 

She started killing people, just with a swipe of her hand. We were no longer in disguise. She was in my body. Showing my face. This is what she wanted from the start. Get me away from Leo, weaken me, and then take over. Too bad she can't access all of her power because of the barrier. I should of saw this.. Blood was all over my body. She was killing the sleeping adults. Seeing all this, made me blood thirsty. The plauge. "I like in this body, so roomy and comfortable. Plus it would be easier to defile your brother." I gritted my teeth. I had no power over her, for now. She busted open the door, and looked at the red DO NOT PUSH button. "Hm, this seems interesting..." You wouldn't. "Oh, I would." She pressed it, doors opened, and the barrier was down.  I could tell by the huge relief wash over me. Like it was draining my body. "DON'T MOVE" A guard, was about to shoot us. Don't kill him. He doesn't know your power. "Most people don't." She shaped her hand into a gun. Pointing her finger at him. "Bang." She said, and a bullet went straight through his head. I gasped. Damn, you Venus. Venus teleported us to my house. I missed the white and black checkered floors. 

 "Oh, I can't wait to see your brother.." Lovely. She's gunna have sex with him, while im in my mind, having to watch. "I need to get my regular body back, this is... just so.. Blah." We were walking to my room. She called Leo. No answer. Looks like he's also ignoring you too.  "Shut up." I could feel myself getting stronger. "Lets go out, get drunk, have sex. After all I'm going to be here for a while." Venus said, striping in front of the mirror. Pervert. "How did you get this tattoo?" She asked, the one going up my rib cage. It was a couple ravens sitting, and then one flew up my rib cage. I got it a couple years ago, after I got clean from the drugs, and the blood thirst. "I know you like the blood thirst, it's an adrenaline rush, i can feel you getting stronger whenever you kill some one. And if you want to kill Daniel Kliffer then you will have to get stronger from that." I can find another way.  "I don't think you can." 

   She put on a very low cut V neck shirt, skinny jeans with high heels. When we got to the bar, she started ordering all kinds of vodka, and alcohol. I guess it would take a lot for a Goddess to get drunk. But I didn't understand why she was so 'down'. Why are you so down? "well, i have to deal with your emotions too. and Right now thats when i wanna drink and get fucked up." 

A couple of hours later, she have gotten drunk enough, for me to take over my body back again. I teleported home, tired of dealing with Venus' ranting at me, about my emotions. Theirs a reason why she hasn't done this before, i have a very tall wall built up. Venus' isn't as smart, as she likes to think. I walked upstairs to my room. I wondered where Leo was. I heard something. Quickly i took off my heels, and passed my room. To Leo's. I heard talking. 

   I opened the door, abruptly.There Leo was, under a sheet, with a girl with golden hair, under his arm. It took me a moment to realize, to process... My brother. My innocent brother. In bed. Naked. With this girl. I felt sick. Is this really happening? Looks like, this is why your brother was so busy.... I heard Venus giggle in my head. "Shadow?!" "Who's that?.." The girl said. I closed the door and walked into my room. "Shadow, wait!" I closed the door, right as he opened it. I locked it. 

Looks like he wasn't the only one fooling me... Looks like my brother isn't the saint, I thought. And too think, i wanted to have sex with him. I scoffed to myself. "Shadow, open up. I can explain." I'm sure you can. Just like everything else. I've broken out of REhab to come warn him, about Kliffer,.. And he was having sex with some SLUT!

End of Chapter 11 ~~~ Hope you like :) 

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