(16) Tapas and Wines

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Lando Norris

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Lando Norris

When I opened my eyes I saw Amélie sleeping peacefully on my chest. Even though she said she would stay on her side of the bed she ended up invading my personal space,but right now I didn't care if she did it with her.

I tried to gently wake her up so she wouldn't get upset. I knew she hated being interrupted when she was exhausted the night before or when she got woken up by noises she didn't like.

Little by little you are getting to know her better.

"Baby," I whispered into her hatred as I played with her hair, she stirred a little and hugged me tighter, "You must wake up now."

"How do you want me to wake up with energy if you destroyed me last night?" She spoke half asleep.

"That's what happens when you tempt a Formula One driver and a streamer with great skills" I joked, while I continued stroking her hair.

"I think I deserve a good morning kiss," she widened her eyes and moved closer to my mouth.

"I haven't brushed my teeth," I warned her, she shrugged her shoulders and still she gave me a little peck. "What do you want to do today before we leave?"

"What time does your flight leave?" she asked, returning her head to my chest, resting on it.

"Ours," I corrected her. At nine o'clock at night.

"No Lando, I'm going back to Miami. I have to work and study."

"But I need you with me, you give me luck" I pouted a little.

"You'll do amazing even if I don't join you, understand me, okay?" She tried to make me reason and this time she was right.

I couldn't let her leave her things just because I felt that with Amélie by my side everything was going well, so I agreed.

"Okay, what time does yours leave?"

"At six o'clock at night" hearing that made me sad since I would be here alone for three hours doing absolutely nothing. Maybe I'd move up my flight so I could accompany Amélie to the airport.

"Then we have all day to be together, do you want to go out somewhere? Or do you prefer that we continue where we left last night?" I asked mischievously.

"Mmm the first option," she gave a small giggle, mocking my fever. Although the second option wouldn't be bad, I prefer to know Barcelona.

I shook my head and joined in her giggle.

And to think that yesterday there were moans instead of laughter...

Amélie got up from the bed and went straight to the bathroom to start getting ready, she finished cleaning herself and left that room simply with a rolled towel on her body and another on her head.

Leclerc's English Version | Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now