Livvie Lacking
Olá Brasil!
Daniel had invited me to race number nineteen, which was in Brazil, so we were in São Paulo. Lucy had also come, but she was in the Ferrari garage and I was in the McLaren garage, obviously in number 3 because Millie was supposed to be in number four, but she wasn't because no matter how hard we tried to bring her, she refused to come.
She told us that she didn't want to see Lando, she didn't want to see the model that her ex was now being seen with and I understood it, I knew it was hurting her, but I was afraid that she would suffer as much as she did with Walter.
Although I know that with Walter it was different because she just had to get out of that toxic relationship, on the other hand, with Lando everything was almost perfect and they hadn't even finished because they didn't love each other but for stupid reasons.
Amélie had told me that she had to do it because of the will, but even though I was a lawyer I wouldn't have done it because I know how she feels about it, I know what she's going through and I don't think it's worth all the pain you are feeling for a role.
Daniel knew about this, but he hadn't told his partner because I begged him not to. It wasn't our problem and just as they didn't get involved in our somewhat strange relationship, I had no right to get involved in theirs. It was Amélie's decision if she wanted to tell Lando about why she couldn't be with him or if she wanted to lie to him.
Yesterday we had seen how Lando was celebrated for his birthday. In fact, I was there, but it seems to me that he didn't see me but only Daniel and maybe it was better that way because if he saw me he would probably remember my best friend. I wanted to talk to him and wish him a happy birthday, I wanted to know if he had received Amélie's gift, which I had put in the gift basket, but I didn't and I wasn't going to do it no matter how much I wanted to.
I knew that if I did, I was going to go talk to Amélie about it and I would end up hurting her more.
I didn't even know how she was feeling right now because she wasn't answering us and the only one who had managed to contact her was Lucy when she told her that she had felt the first kicks of her pregnancy, but she didn't want anyone to talk to her about it. Nothing, she only had asked us to give him the gift and then only that. We couldn't even ask her if he liked it or ask her if he wrote thanking her or anything, she didn't want us to do that. I respected and understood her, because when I had a fight with Daniel I didn't want anyone to talk to me about him, I didn't want to know anything about him, I didn't want to know how nice the lives of other paddock girlfriends were, either, so I understood and respected her decision.
She had mentioned something about needing to go to Monte Carlo so she could get all the things her father had left her and finish signing all the papers in the will, but she wouldn't do that until Charles was there too, so I guessed she was still there, in Miami, fixing everything about his firing with Will and the things he had done the last day with Lorenzo, his other half brother.
I was very happy that now she will not work there because she was literally being a slave for this man and as much as I wanted to quit, she could not do it. Especially now that we had agreed with Danny that he would not pay for my things, now he did need the money and my other source of income is not giving much anymore. But one advantage was my swimsuit line, or rather the one I share with my mother and aunt, in which the McLaren drivers participated, so they give me a little money and I survive on that.
The race was about thirty minutes from the start, so we all headed to the starting line with the car and the team, and well, the drivers. I accompanied Daniel, it was a little strange to be here, next to him. The truth is that I never imagined that he would be with a Formula One driver, least of all I thought that one of them would be my Sugar Daddy, but well, that's another story.

Leclerc's English Version | Lando Norris
FanfictionYears after the death of Hervé Leclerc, his family faces a new challenge when they discover that there is one more sister, outside the marriage of their parents, with the last name Leclerc. Going to the Grand Prix in Monaco , she found out about her...