Years after the death of Hervé Leclerc, his family faces a new challenge when they discover that there is one more sister, outside the marriage of their parents, with the last name Leclerc.
Going to the Grand Prix in Monaco , she found out about her...
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This morning I woke up early as usual so I could go to the gym, followed by a run on the beach. Despite the fact that there was a treadmill, I preferred a thousand times to go out and do cardio outdoors. It helped me a lot to clear my mind completely and it did me very good to smell the sea.
It was one of my favorite things.
I would have loved Lando to be joining me in my morning routine, but he wasn't someone who was easy to wake up. I had tried to talk to him but only got a whimper from his part and he ended up rolling onto his side with the pillow over his face.
On my way back to the tower, I passed by the beach pier and I found a stall with puppies for adoption. I couldn't help but stop and play with them for a bit, they were divine.
I had always wanted to have a pet, but with everything that we lived day to day with my mother, we could not adequately keep another living being. When mom married Hector we had tried to get a cat, but apparently he was allergic to them...
But now if you can have it...
My unconsciousness spoke to me when I remembered that now I lived alone and was sometimes accompanied by the British. I highly doubted that it would be a problem for him to have a pet and keep another living thing.
"They're very cute, aren't they?" one of the girls who had the adoption sign spoke to me.
"Divine" I agreed with her. "How old are they?"
"Three months. They have the first two vaccinations."
"Are they golden retriever or labrador?" I asked even more interested when one of them played with the laces of my tennis shoes.
"Golden Retriever. In fact, we have the certificates there, where they are already registered with their pedigree and vaccines ready to be adopted".
I carried the little boy who was still playing with my shoelaces and when I looked into his eyes he was perfect in every way.
I felt that I had fallen in love with him at first sight.
Like with Lando.
Maybe I could take it as a gift for both of us and further strengthen the friendship we had.
I felt like when I looked at the puppy it reflected back to Lando and all the times we've had together, like with the bracelet he gave me.
So thanks to this take the risk of adopting it.
Lando Norris
I moved when I felt something warm go down my exposed abdomen. It felt in a very strange way that he had never felt before, but it was not completely unpleasant. The texture of what I was feeling was a bit rough and it was leaving a few slimes on my chest.