Amelie Leclerc
"I want to say publicly that my girlfriend is Amélie Leclerc," he intertwined my hand with hims. "I never had a relationship with Luisa Oliveira, she just tried to hang on to my fame, but her game is over."
The butterflies in my stomach formed after hearing those words.
The reporters began to talk and ask questions, but I just repeated his words in my head.
His girlfriend had called me...
And publicly.
I honestly didn't know much about what happened next. When I finally reacted we were already back at the table.
Luisa looked at us with hatred, but that was something usual for her. What was strange was how Tommy hurriedly pulled her out of her arm to take her to another private room.
He was surely going to tell her what Lando mentioned to the press and how his career was over.
It didn't seem very correct to me that someone else's career had to be ruined in order to clean up someone else's image, however, on this occasion it was better that everything be cleared up in one go.
I was sitting again in the chair that I sat in before Luisa moved me, only this time Lando wasn't next to me because he had also gone with Tom to talk to the Portuguese woman. I faced my brother with Livvie pending what had happened and why I had come back so strange.
"Milly, what happened?" Liv started the conversation.
"Lando said so," I stammered.
"What thing?" It was Charles who asked this time.
"That I'm his girlfriend," I answered. "Publicly."
"Congratulations!" my half brother answered me.
Olivia was a little more confused than me.
"So he just announced it and didn't ask you first or some romantic act to see if yes?" She asked half upset.
"Then you aren't," she demanded. "If he wants you to be his girlfriend, he should ask you."
"What are you talking about?" asked Charles. "Isn't it supposed that when things flow automatically they are?"
"That's not how things work for us. Especially for Amélie, who as a Latina is used to first leaving and then becoming official."
I nodded agreeing with her. "We never talked about it, but I do want to be her girlfriend."
"Well, you already are, so congratulations," Charles commented again, more lost than knowing what.
"I hope he asks you very soon!"
The night was a bit long.
After half an hour the boys returned and Luisa left the restaurant frustrated and very angry, while the rest of the night Lan was super affectionate with me and in the after-party we had he was also, we danced all night and returned to the hotel exhausted.
But today, which was the New Year's party, things changed a bit.
Charles, Lucy, Livvie and Ricciardo had already left to travel with their respective friends and have a good New Year.
New Year and what's coming good for me?
Many, many things, but I also learned a lot in this 2021. From things that I never imagined would happen to bring me great successes and good things for my life, like Monako and knowing that I am a Leclerc.

Leclerc's English Version | Lando Norris
FanfictionYears after the death of Hervé Leclerc, his family faces a new challenge when they discover that there is one more sister, outside the marriage of their parents, with the last name Leclerc. Going to the Grand Prix in Monaco , she found out about her...