Amelie Leclerc
I couldn't believe it was my second time in a year being in Dubai.
If they had told me a few years ago that I would be here, together with Lando and Monako on a walk in a beautiful country, about to work at Mercedes and really knowing my identity, I would have laughed at that person.
The truth was that too much had happened in just one year.
We had taken Mona to the vet before leaving on the trip and the doctor authorized us to do it because luckily he continued to react well to the treatment and the possibility of death was greatly reduced, compared to how he was the last time.
And now we were on a yacht with some of Lando's friends and my friends who had finally taken a break with their partners and decided to spend a few days here before heading off to their destinations where they would celebrate the New Year.
Charles and Lucy were discussing whether to go to Mexico, especially Tulum and Cancun, or go to Bogotá, the Colombian's hometown. And I really understand their dilemma because in both countries there is a good party. But the thing was, Lucy wanted to see some of her friends and her family before the baby was born, while Charles didn't really want more people involved in the pregnancy.
And then Livvie with Ricciardo would go to Australia because in the end they ended up spending Christmas in Los Angeles for COVID prevention with Daniel's family. It would be the first time in two years that he would return to his native country and arrive with a girl.
But at least we'd get through our last party of two thousand and twenty-one.
The boys had rented a huge yacht, some jet skis and slides that connected from the top of the boat to the sea. We also had music on the speakers that was clearly playing Latin music and the occasional very good song in English. But despite all that it was beginning to be a bit boring that each one was in his own.
"What are you drinking?" Charles approached me in the tone of an older brother.
"Soda, why?" I answered calmly.
"Nothing, I find it strange that you haven't taken anything with the heat it is."
"I guess I don't feel like it right now."
"Aren't you pregnant?" He asked alarmed.
"Charles, I haven't had sex since September, so no."
"Then you kind of need it now," he mentioned between laughs.
"And you need to stop drinking so much and worry about your girlfriend." I pointed out to Lucy that she was reading a book in a hammock.
He turned to her realizing that her princess was bored and at the same time angry at how drunk my half brother was, while I went to the shore of the yacht to see how Lando and Max were on the jet skis.
When Lando saw that I was there alone, because Daniel and Liv disappeared into a room, he pulled the vehicle over to me.
"Come, let's go for a swim," he spoke happily.
"You know that I don't know how to swim and I'm afraid that I don't know how to control."
"Get on mine, I'll take you and I assure you that nothing bad will happen to you."
It was made a little forward so that there was enough space and I could get on. I hesitated for a moment, but then I listened to him.
"You better make me come back alive," I threatened him while I put a vest on me.
He hit an acceleration that made me stick my hands to his waist for fear of falling. And when he saw my reaction he began to laugh, but he did like the gesture.

Leclerc's English Version | Lando Norris
FanfictionYears after the death of Hervé Leclerc, his family faces a new challenge when they discover that there is one more sister, outside the marriage of their parents, with the last name Leclerc. Going to the Grand Prix in Monaco , she found out about her...