Lando Norris
I woke up to Christmas music and the smell of freshly baked cookies.
My tummy rumbled immediately when I smelled it, but I wanted to get more sleep.
Although I closed my eyes for a moment, I couldn't fall asleep again, so I stared at the ceiling for a while until Millie's face appeared, watching to see if she was still asleep.
"Good morning, sleepyhead," the Venezuelan woman spoke with an affectionate tone.
"Good morning," she answered sleepily.
"Do you know what day it is today, huevón?"
"Huh" I hesitated for a moment. "Halloween?" I mocked her emotion between laughs.
She made an ugly face and threw a pillow in my face. "You are a bobo culicagado! It's Christmas stupid!"
"Tomorrow is Christmas" I contradicted her. "Today is a very normal day for everyone, dear" I commented with a silly smile on my head.
"What a ladilla with you," she rolled her eyes.
"Today you woke up wanting to fight in Spanish." I took her by her waist and put her back to bed. "Of course I know what day it is today honey, nothing else bothered you" I began to fill her face with kisses.
"You tickle me with the beard you carry!" she protested.
I had left it on me since the last race of the season, but it's not like it grew on me very much; However, Millie was itchy and a bit allergic when U kissed her because of how spiky it was.
"I'll take it off for dinner," I continued rubbing it in her face.
"Well, you remember that we have the Christmas celebration!" she got up again in bed "Now take a bath and take off that beard."
"Nah, let's better eat and then we can bathe together to save water." I commented in a perverted tone.
"I think you're still asleep" she started to laugh. "You prepare breakfast because I have to continue cooking things for dinner." she mentioned before leaving the room with me behind him as a lapdog, but really the lapdog was Monako, only he came behind from my.
I am being commanded by a Leclerc and that only means rivalry...
Oh, but you didn't think that when you kissed her the first time and begged her for a second chance.
hehe oops
I made something very basic to eat while Millie cooked something called ham bread, but it looked more like ham rolls to me. I let her stay in the kitchen because she would get very stressed when she was preparing something with other people inside, so when I finished washing the dishes we had breakfast with I went to the simulator for a while.
"Lando!" I heard about an hour and a half after I left her in the kitchen she was yelling at me.
"What happened?" I spoke back up because I got bored of the simulator and I better started exercising.
"I forgot to put up the Christmas tree before I left." she entered the room full of flour on his face and disheveled hair, his eyes were almost teary.
I lowered the weights from my hands and paid attention to the brunette, who had Mona behind her, waiting attentively for her reactions.
"Do you want us to go buy one or do you have one?"
"We're not going to find anything" she spoke negatively. "Look, this is your fault because I got distracted with you and also Monako's illness, so I completely forgot about the tree."

Leclerc's English Version | Lando Norris
FanfictionYears after the death of Hervé Leclerc, his family faces a new challenge when they discover that there is one more sister, outside the marriage of their parents, with the last name Leclerc. Going to the Grand Prix in Monaco , she found out about her...