(22) Thesis

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I was in Miami again, because tomorrow was my thesis delivery. I was very nervous, I had prepared a little during all this time, but not enough to feel completely prepared to go and present what I had to have focused on since I finished classes.

Lando had gone to Woking, due to the fact that he had to practice in the simulators for the Hungarian Grand Prix. I would probably not see him until August after this race if we both manage to organize our jobs, especially me, and being able to spend time together.

After my boss threatened to fire me, I made the decision not to travel for a while. I really needed this job to be able to get ahead and achieve my dream position.

Since my third year of university I always dreamed of working in some position in Formula One or at least in motorsport. It was something complicated having already started studying law and that it was not something very related, but still I did not lose hope that one day I could be in that world.

What I never imagined was that it would be faster than I thought and not as I really wanted.

I had to force myself to put all those thoughts away now because I needed to concentrate on finishing preparing my final project, without it I would not be able to receive my degree and even less be a good lawyer for the world. I had chosen one of the most difficult topics because I was stupid, but luckily I only had to write the conclusions along with the biography and the final defense.

Despite the fact that I was missing a little, I felt completely tired from so much traveling that I had in recent months, and to top it off I was in my days so I felt everything double. I was even much more sensitive than normal and I did not stop crying every ten minutes berating me for leaving this to the last minute.

The worst of all is that Héctor, my stepfather, had taken my cell phone, supposedly so that it wouldn't distract me and I would finish the job well, but I just needed to talk to Lando right now to calm down.

I felt that at any moment I would have a panic attack because of the fear knowing that my entire career depended on this, I needed to be able to pass it to finally graduate. Also that the year I was advanced, for having the knowledge of older people, in the school was worth it.

"Hector, give it back please!"

My mother entered the room wanting to reassure me,  "Daughter, come. Let's go for a walk so you're relaxed and can continue." She was worried that my mix of emotions would lead to something not good.

"Mommy no, tell him to give it to me" I begged him to convince her husband "It's already late and if I wait any longer I won't be able to talk to him."

"Amélie, darling, nothing will happen if you don't talk to him, for one day."

"I know, but I need it." She raised her eyebrows and moved closer to me to wipe the tears from my eyes. "Just as I support him in his projects, I want him to support me in mine."

Leclerc's English Version | Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now