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Mrs. Wang, it's getting late, you should go home and rest. I'll take care of Yibo today. Nicole said sluggishly. Oh, Carmen Lee, just tell me to go already, that I irritate you. Nicole thought.

Carmen sighs and gives Nicole a deadly glare..and she behaves herself...

Nicole was rubbing Yibo's hair when her mum's call came in.

"Hi mum, I am at the hospital with Yibo," she said.

"You have to come home my dear, your father had an accident " Nicole's mum replied.

"Oh, my God, Nicole screams and drops her phone, her hands start trembling with the sudden news and she falls to the group wailing.

Carmen Lee picked up the phone from the floor and spoke with Nicole's mum. She told her Nicole's dad was involved in a car accident on his way back from work and they have to travel to Malibu today.

So sorry about your dad Nicole, go and take care of him. We will take care of Yibo here, your dad needs you too. Carmen Lee said.

Okay, Mrs. Wang, please take care of Yibo Nicole replied sadly. I will call you every day, she hugged Mrs. Wang, and left the hospital.

"Hello, where are you? I have been waiting in front of the hospital for the past 10 minutes,'' Nicole yelled on the phone.

"I'm driving to you now Nicole. Jack replied.

A few minutes later, Jack packed the car in front of Nicole, and Immediately after she entered, Jack zoomed off. Nicole turned to see a middle-aged woman in the back seat and gave her an evil smile.

"You did a very good job, woman. Here's your payment. I don't ever want to see your face again ... Nicole shrieked.

Thank... you... m-madam she stuttered and Jack dropped her off on their way...

How did it go with that bastard? Nicole asked.

"All done Nicole, he is in the booth half alive " the guys I hired did him dirty. Jack giggled.

Where should we go now, Nicole? Jack asked with a smirk.

Can you drive for 12 hours? Let's go to Shanghai and enjoy this credit card luxury, it's limitless, baby. Whoo hoo, Nicole rejoiced.

They were silent for a few minutes before Jack spoke "what do we do with him, Nicole? He asked.

Beat him and dump him somewhere to rot. She said, sounding irritated.

Carmen Lee was in the hospital talking to her private detective to look into what happened to Yibo, when her driver badged in, panting and looking all sweaty.

He rested his hand on his waist and chest making a 90-degree bow to catch his breath. Carmen Lee was startled and asked him to speak immediately.

Ma'am, I went to the address Mr. Zhan texted me and when I got there, his whole place was a mess, there was blood everywhere, all his house was scattered as if they were looking for something. He said in one go.

Carmen Lee was shocked to death as if she'd seen a ghost. "What" she screamed.

Don't worry Carmen Lee. I'll go there and find out what happened. The detective said and he left.

"A Few hours later the detective called Carmen Lee and told her there was a struggle, they might be thieves or kidnappers. One of the surveillance cameras across the street showed 6 guys going into his apartment with black masks on their faces, but they never came out, they used the back exit. But I'll run the video through a hacker I know to identify the guys".

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