Back together

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Zhan's POV.

It is my birthday today, why am I not happy? 

Grandma dragged me out of bed and said "Lan Zhan is coming with his brother." Finally, he has a family. I baked cookies for them.  

"I was listening to music while baking. When I was done I removed my earpiece and took a deep sigh. I hear grandma talking."

Guess Lan Zhan and his brother are here, I scooped ice cream to go with the cookies. I heard a familiar voice. I walked to the door only to hear. "I left to protect him"

"I couldn't control my anger, my frustration, and my longing."

"Protect me from what? Yibo," I asked him while coming out of the kitchen with cookies and ice cream.

Even in anger, I'd say he looked sexy.

He stood up and dragged his brother "let's go"

I dropped what was on my hand. I walked towards him and held his hand. What are you protecting me from? Yibo, I said calmly.

"He didn't answer me. What are you protecting me from? Yibo" I had to yell at him even though it broke my heart.

He said it's for the best while stuttering
"I heard that word before from my dad, what does he mean?"

You won't like what I'd do to you, Yibo. What the fuck are you protecting me from? My hand got tighter on his wrist.

I could tell he was scared. But why is he scared?

"I can't remember you, Zhan, you'll die if I do."

The way he called my name melted my
heart, I wanted to kiss him right there. But we have to talk about this first.

What are you talking about? I was so confused about what he said.

Ahhh, I know what he is talking about, my grandma answered.

What? I asked

What's happening here? My dad asked with his thick voice.

I think it's time to talk, my grandma said

I got really confused.

"Care to explain what's happening here, dad?"

I owe you no explanation. He said.

If you don't tell him, then I will. My grandma hissed.

I never let go of butterfly's hand, I sat next to him and loosened my grip on his wrist.

My grandma cleared her throat and got talking.

24 years ago while your mother was healing someone in her dream, the person got obsessed with her and begged her never to leave him, but your mother knew he would not remember her when he woke up so she promised him. After he was healed she didn't see him again. Then she saw him again after 2 years with self-inflicted wounds, and he almost died.

When he saw her he was happy and told her he felt empty, he knew something was missing in his life but he doesn't what it was and he started to self-harm, that he forgot about her when he woke up. She told him she traveled to heal someone.

She healed him and when it was time for her to leave, they had an argument when he wanted to kiss her and she said no. He almost strangled her after punching her mouth she started bleeding, your mum didn't know her blood dropped in his mouth while he was strangling her.

She left his dream. This man woke up and remembered her, he searched and searched for her all over the country, when he didn't see her he searched in other countries. Until he found her, you were 4 years old then he started stalking your mum and when he found out she was married and had a son he got angry and killed her! "He said if he can't have her no one would." He killed himself afterward.

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