Call me when he wakes up

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Authors pov

Zhan got to his grandma's place who pretended to fall sick... he hugged her, cooked for her, and made her drink her medicine... he calls Haikuan every hour. 

Nicole and Jack started having nightmares where Jack would see Nicole with another guy, or Nicole would see Jack with another woman... and it drifted them apart.

Cheng woke up late, saw Zhan's text and took the file. He had his bath, ate breakfast and headed to where Nicole would be.

He sat on a coffee table close to where Nicole is. He made an imaginary call and talked about his multi-million dollar investment and a factory he just bought.

He ended his imaginary call and Zhan's call came in.

"Where are you? Zhan asked "

I am at the coffee shop for breakfast. Once I am done here I'll go to the factory, I have a meeting with my lawyer and the architect.

Zhan played along with the game, they talked for a while and he ended the call...

Upon hearing his conversation, Nicole got interested in him.

Let me milk this one too, he looks dull. I  am sure I can play with his head, she smirked.

Hi, I am Nicole Voris, a ballet dancer. Is it okay if I sit with you? I have been waiting for my dance partner. I doubt if he's still coming. She smiled.

Oh, yes please make yourself comfortable. Cheng said.

They talked for a while before Cheng changed the subject. I'm sorry I am running late, I have a meeting with my lawyer and I need to see my new factory but we can have dinner later.

Sure, no problem. Can I have your number? She beamed.

Sure. Cheng smiled. They exchanged numbers and he left.

Haikuan's pov.

Zhan, Yibo's movements have improved a lot, I believe he'll wake up soon... we are all anxious and excited, and mum and dad are here too. Don't worry you'll be the first person I will call when he wakes up. How is your grandma? I asked.

She's fine, she's not sick. I think she just missed me. I'll be with you tomorrow morning. He said.

My regards to your mom and dad. But please call me when he wakes up. He begged.

Authors pov.
Cheng was in the sitting room with Mr. Xiao when his phone rang, it was from Zhan.

Hello buddy, how are you and how is grandma?

She's fine, he replied.

They spoke for a while and Zhan begged him to go and see Yibo for him.

"Okay, I will see him briefly because I have dinner with Nicole"

Thanks, buddy, I will text you Haikuan's number. Please call to inform him you're coming over and he ended the call.

Cheng excused himself and went to change, then told Mr. Xiao he was going out. He nodded in acknowledgment.

It took Cheng 20 minutes to get to the hospital. He saw Yibo's family all sitting and waiting patiently. He greeted them and Haikuan offered him a seat next to him, they chatted for a while and got to know each other.

Nicole and Jack are still not on talking terms as both of them are scared of each other, and they scheming against themselves.  

Cheng stayed for 2 hours before a text from Nicole came in.

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