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Authors Pov.

Zhan has been lively lately since he started seeing Yibo in his dreams.

Yibo on the other hand is a little frustrated about his mysterious dream lover and the person who took Nicole. He is running out of patience, but he smiles a lot lately compared to before. Mrs. Wang and Haikuan saw him a few times giggling to himself but they dare not say anything because he can kill them with his eyes.

Cheng called Haikuan and asked when they should set up the meeting with Yibo and Zhan.

Saturday is good so both of them will be available since they work during the week. Haikuan said.

The weekend is four days from now so they agreed on a time and place and called Yubin to set up a meeting for Saturday.

Yibo's Pov

Detective Yubin, it's been a week since you told me about the man who last saw Nicole. Why haven't you set up a meeting yet? I said with my stoic voice.

Mr. Yibo, Mr. Zhan is not back from his grandma's place. Do you want me to send his Grandma's home address? Yubin replied.

That won't be necessary, just let me know when he gets back. I am getting impatient. I said coldly.

Okay, Mr. Yibo. Yubin said.

A few hours later, Yubin sent a text to me and said Mr. Zhan called him and set up a meeting.
Time: Saturday 5 pm.
Location: Dali courtyard restaurant.

Okay, thanks. I replied immediately.

Zhan's POV

I was bored out of my mind and decided to resume back to the hospital since they never stopped calling me. I just finished with an adorable patient when my phone rang.

Hello buddy.

Hello Zhan, how are you? Cheng replied.

I'm good. You?

Good too. Are you free this weekend? I want you to accompany me to a party. Cheng asked.

Oh, I can't Cheng, I have a meeting with someone.

I can accompany you to your meeting and when you finish, we can head to my party, please. Cheng asked.

I will think about it, Cheng.

Please take me along. I don't want to die of boredom. He whined.

Okay. I said, ending the call.   

I put the phone in my pocket and went to my office when my phone rang again. I didn't look at who was calling, what do you want again, Cheng? I yelled

Oh, good afternoon Zhan, a familiar voice said.

Oh, I'm sorry, He Peng. Good afternoon...

Hmmm, Zhan, someone is digging into you regarding Nicole Voris. He said sternly.

I let out a dry chuckle. I know, He Peng let him be. It's Yubin. My ghost general.

Okay, he said and ended the call.

Yibo, I have Nicole waiting for you. You can do whatever you want to do with her.

Yibo's Pov.

I got back from work, ate dinner, and walked to my room like a zombie. I was so tired, my students overworked me as they missed out on a lot of things. New students joined, some left and some of them came back, as I was in a coma for a long time.

I had a quick shower and crawled to bed, and I slept off within minutes.

After what felt like forever. "I heard a loud knock on the door." I jolted from my sleep all sweaty when Kuan ge dashed in.

You should soundproof your door, Yibo. He said teasingly.

When he looked into my eyes, "he knew I was hurt." He quickly hugged me.

"I'm sorry Yibo, he said calmly"

I hugged him so tight and cried on his shoulder. Kuan ge, someone is tormenting me in my dreams...

Do you know who the person is? Kaun ge asked.

No, he won't show me his face.

It's okay stop crying, we will figure something out.

Okay. I sniffed and wiped the tears off my cheeks.

You should rest, let me make breakfast for you.

Can you please stop tormenting me, thinking of the dream I had makes my chopper hard. Damn, he drives me crazy...

I was in bed, dog-tired, and all of a sudden I heard his voice. Hey, butterfly, you look really tired, why don't I massage your tensed-up muscles? I found myself naked under him laying on my stomach.

"He was fantastic, he rubbed my back, neck and shoulders just where I needed. When, he reached my sweet spot he took his time massaging it with just the right amount of pressure"

He rubbed me so lightly, his fingers were getting closer and closer to my rose hole. just teasing with a light touch on my ass cheeks.

Finally, he stopped teasing me and he slowly circled my hole putting more oil and playing around there. "It felt wonderful"

He told me to get on my knees without moving my upper body. I did immediately

He rubs his hands up and down my thighs, and he kisses and bites me gently. My tention seems to melt with every movement. I was rock hard.

He licked my rose hole with his wet tongue, I gasped as I didn't see that coming, going up and down with his tongue, I let out a lot of moans I was trying so hard to hold, and he just buried his face in my rose hole. Making my chopper harder and dripping with precum. He slid his head under me and put my shaft in his mouth, he squeezed my ass cheek and I started moaning loudly, he'd take me deep, fast, and hard, I started moving my hips, and he didn't stop touching my rose hole. He put a finger in it and I felt a sensation I had never felt before. He used his tongue to circle my chopper, lick it and suck me so hard. I felt a sensation start building up. I was almost cuming when he suddenly stopped.

Why did you stop? My voice is husky.

I will continue, but first, promise you'll let me do whatever and whenever I want with you.

Yes, I promise I said sharply which came out as a mumble.

He rolled me over, lying on my back and he sucked me till I cum in his mouth. He trailed my body with his tongue and kissed my neck. "I love you, Yibo" he whispered in my ear. I opened my eyes to see him but only to get my eyes closed by his lips, I didn't get to see him.

Saturday came quickly, and Haikuan offered to follow Yibo. He hesitated but later agreed.

They got to Dali courtyard restaurant. The server walked them to their reserved table.

Yibo and Haikuan sat down, and after 20 minutes Cheng and Zhan walked in. When Yibo saw Zhan walk in. He was amazed by his beautiful face and his light brown eyes with dark pupils sparkle. 

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