Under the oak tree

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Authors pov
Nicole was happy that Yibo is still in the hospital. "Take me home Jack, I'll see them tomorrow, the day after, next week, or next month. Oh, I don't care"

Zhan has been planning to take his revenge on his kidnappers, he bought an abandoned factory on the outskirts of town just to be with them alone.

He has gotten acquainted with his kidnappers, he got friendly with them in their dreams and they removed their masks. Immediately he saw them he knew everything that happened and who sent them... He sent the information to someone to help him transport the boys to his abandoned factory and that he'll take it from there.

Zhan's POV.
They finally let me see their faces and everything flashed in front of me, all the horror they've done. Dying in their dream would be too easy and quick!

"I sent all the information to a friend "the ghost general" to help me get the boys and transport them to the factory I just bought on the outskirts of town to deal with them.

Nobody messes with me and I also know why they kidnapped me. I'll make them regret accepting to do what they did to me. Jack and Nicole welcome back to your nightmare! 

Authors pov.

Nicole and Jack got married a few months ago in Xiamen. They traveled to different countries and used Yibo's card. Haikuan forgot all about the card and now they're back in Beijing, they have been dancing around and attending concerts and competing in different places but they decided to settle down in Beijing.

"Zhan, on the other hand, told Yibo he has business he needs to attend to, and won't see him frequently as he won't be sleeping much but he'd see him occasionally. Drink your potions, don't overstress yourself, and don't go above your limit, promise me."


I want to hear you say it. Please promise you won't go above your limit.

He hesitated for a while. "I promise," he hummed.

I gave him a bright and sincere smile and the look on Yibo's face melted my heart like he realized something.

Zhan POV.

I drove to the outskirts of town. The guys are chained with clothes over their heads sitting on separate chairs... I removed the cover clothes from their head one after the other.

Where are we, who are you, what do you want with us? They said one after the other. Panic was written on their faces.

Hello guys, I will be offended if you don't remember me. I hissed.

"I regret why we didn't kill you bastard," one of the guys roared with anger.

"Be a nice boy and untie us already, we won't punish you much" another said.

"What can a mere boy like you do to tigers like us?" The third one said their laughter echoed in the building.

Well, I will be back in a few days and see if you still have this confident look. I spit

I drove home and called the ghost general to stalk Nicole and Jack. I want to know everything they do...  

I drifted into a short sleep and decided to see Yibo briefly

I saw him walking without his crutches, still wearing his cold face, it made me smile sheepishly!

"He halted and looked back but I immediately hid, took a deep breath, and appeared to my kidnappers"

Hello boys, we meet again. You kidnap, kill, rape, and steal from people. Let me torment you a little.

I threw them all into a pit of torment and turned them against each other...

It's been days and I decided to go see the boys ...  I love the terrified looks on their faces when they saw me.

They pleaded for me to forgive them but that's not gonna happen...

Have you ever heard of  "the wheel punishment?"

In the Holy Roman Empire, it was a "mirror punishment" for highwaymen and street thieves, and was set out in the Sachsenspiegel for murder, and arson that resulted in fatalities. I will firmly tie you guys to a wooden wheel, then with an iron mallet, I'll break all the bones in your body one by one. I explained.

"The worst thing was that it had to be done with a certain technique, since i had to prevent you bastard  from dying from an internal spill, so I knew exactly where and how to hit the body"

They all screamed and begged but they deserve this.

It took me 7 days to do that bone crushing and I was satisfied. I asked the ghost general to dispose of their bodies.

What do I do with you, Nicole? Jack is a piece of cake, but you, what do I do with you? "I said to myself...

I know where to start... An evil grin spread across my face.

Authors pov... 

It's been 2 weeks since Zhan saw Yibo, he dealt with his kidnappers and decided to turn Jack and Nicole against each other, with betrayal and backstabbing dreams...

Nicole went to see Yibo after 2 weeks and came up with an excuse and shed crocodile tears.

Mrs. Wang just nodded in agreement.

Zhan was on his way to see Yibo when he saw Jack drop Nicole off, he decided to go back to his car and give her a little surprise to throw her off.

"Zhan texted Haikuan and told him his plans, and he agreed with it" but replied to Zhan's text not to overdo it...

Nicole sat beside Yibo and kissed his forehead, shed crocodile tears, and held his hand. Said all the sweetest things in the world to him. Mrs. Wang just hissed and just shook her head.

Zhan slept in his car and went straight to see Yibo...

Zhan's POV.

I appeared in front of the house but he was not there. I decided to check the backyard and there he is.

"He sat on a stone under the oak tree behind the cabin "

I sneaked up from behind him and brushed my soft wet lips against his earlobe. He flinched  "Miss me?" I kissed the back of his neck, he let out a low moan. I brushed my tongue up to the back of his ear and bit his neck, this time he held my hands so tight, and let out a muffled moan.

He turned his head to look at me and I gave him a long and feathery light kiss and I woke up.

Authors pov.
Nicole was holding Yibo's hand when he started trembling, she screamed and the doctors rushed in. "He is having another episode of seizure" and they turned Yibo to his right side to clear his airways and they watched him till he stopped moving and started breathing normally.

Nicole turned to the doctor and asked. "Is he dying, what's happening with him?

"He is not dying, he is trying to force himself to wake-up and it's causing him to have seizures." the doctor replied.

The doctor turned to look at Haikuan. Your brother's body can't take any more seizures, if it happens again, his system might shoot down. They all panicked and cried

Oh, thank God I thought he was going to wake up, so one more seizure and he is gone "perfect". Nicole thought and danced in her head. She was sure it'd happen soon and she smiled...

When Nicole left after an hour. Zhan rushed in to see Yibo and just sat next to him.

Is it okay if I sleep here tonight? He asked for permission and Mrs. Wang nodded in acknowledgment

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