Bullies and cuddles [Fluff]

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[Highschool AU]

Killua's POV:

I was walking down the street, in the direction of Gon's house. He invited me over at his house because his aunt Mito was out for a business trip and he was home alone. He is my best friend, but whenever I'm around him I get a weird feeling in my stomach. It isn't bad, but I don't know what that is nor why I feel that. His house was just a few blocks away from mine, so I didn't walk for too long; in fact, after less than ten minutes, I was standing in front of his door. I knocked on the door, but I didn't get an answer.

Weird, I thought, Gon would've usually answered and opened the door by now. I knocked again, but I still got no answer. I started to worry. I knocked again, but, like all the other times, nobody answered. I decided to try opening the door with the spare key that Gon kept in a flower vase. He told me that I could've used it only in case of emergency. I took a vase near the door, right under the kitchen window, and I took out the fake plant. I took the key, put it in the lock and opened the door.

"Gon?", I called for the green haired boy. No answer.

"Gon?", I called for him again, just a bit louder. Still nothing. I stayed silent for a bit, when I heard some muffled whimpers from upstairs, like someone was crying, but at the same time trying to hide it. When I heard that sound I just had a thought in my head: something is wrong with Gon. I ran up the stairs, almost falling, as worry took over me. I arrived in front of his bedroom door and slammed it open. I saw Gon jumping lightly on the bed because of the sound of the door slamming.

"K-Killua?", he stuttered, his voice cracking a bit. I looked at him and something in my heart broke. He was sitting on the bed with his knees close to his chest, his face red and puffy from crying. He still had a few tears rolling down his cheeks. I walked slowly to him and sat on the bed, facing him. I looked him in the eyes, but he didn't meet my gaze and let his eyes wonder over the room, not looking at me. I held him in my arms as I softly caressed his back, while whispering kind words in his ear. I put two fingers under his chin and moved his head towards me, so he was facing me and I could take a look at his face; his eyes still not meeting mine.

"Who hurt you, Gon?", I said calmly, but still with a menacing tone. He kept quiet and didn't answer.

"Who. Hurt. You. Gon?", I asked again, rage taking over me. Right after I finished the sentence, he looked sorry. I then realised that he might have thought that I was mad at him for not answering, so I softened my glare and repeated again my question, this time with a kinder tone:

"I'm not mad at you, Gon, I'm mad at those who hurt you. I want to know who made you feel like this and cry. So please, tell me who hurt you and what they did". He didn't answer, so I hold his hand in mine to strengthen the seriousness of my words. After a minute of silence he started telling me everything that happened, his voice cracking and stuttering a bit here and there:

"I-it happened today at school. I was minding my own business as I was walking t-towards my locker. These guys approached me and pushed me o-on the ground. All of my books fell on the ground and, between them, was my d-diary where I write everything I feel. S-since it was different from the school books, one of the guys noticed it a-and started reading it and he found something that wasn't made to be f-found...", he trailed off and went quiet again. I decided that he needed a bit of help to continue his story, so I pushed him a bit to keep going.

"Don't worry, Gon, I won't judge you. So, if I can know, what did he found and what happened after?". He took a deep breath and continued his story.

"O-on the diary I wrote about the person I like, who is a boy... After the boy read it, he told everyone present in the corridor about the fact that I loved a male. All of the students in the hall started calling me a f-faggot and insulting me for liking a boy... I quickly got all of my books and ran to class. For the rest of the day everyone shot me dark glares that told how much they found me disgusting and how much they hated me... I-I understand if you think that too...", his voice lowering as he looked down.

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