What is love? [Fluff]

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For everyone it was a normal day on Whale Island, the sun was shining and the weather was not too cold and not too hot. Or at least, it was a normal day for everyone except for a boy with unusual white hair: Killua Zoldyck.

The young albino male has had a question floating around his mind for a while and it was distracting him from all of his tasks. He thought about it all the time and the fact that he didn't know the answer to it was bugging him a lot. Why didn't he ask his question to someone who could've possibly known the answer to his 'problem'? Because he thought it was embarrassing.

But we all know that curiosity is strong and that's exactly why Killua was walking around the Island, searching for his best friend: Gon. The green haired boy went out earlier that morning to do some errands and buy groceries that his aunt Mito would've used to cook dishes for the next few days. The albino started looking for him in the island's market and, after a few minutes, he found his friend paying for some fruits which were sold in a small stand.

"Hey Gon!", the white haired male made his presence known to the other young boy. Said boy, turned around and smiled widely at the sight of his best friend calling out to him.

"Killua!", the raven returned the greeting with a lot of enthusiasm. He put the bags with the food on the ground and ran towards Killua, jumping and leaping for a hug. The albino caught him and returned the hug.

"Do you need something, Killua?", asked the green haired teen, still smiling, after leaving the hug. The albino looked at the other in the eyes before answering.

"Actually, yes, I do. I need to ask you something quite important, but I don't want to ask it in front of everyone. Is there a more isolated place where I can ask you my question without anyone overhearing it?", he said.

"Yes, there is a place where we can talk without anyone hearing, but before going I have to bring the food to Mito-san, so we have to go home before. Is it ok?", Gon asked. The other just nodded in response. The raven took all of the bags in one hand and, with the other, he grabbed Killua's hand and started dragging him home, both of them smiling for different reasons. Killua because he got to hold his friend's hand and Gon because he was curious about what the albino would've wanted to ask him and because he could've spent time with his best friend.

As they arrived at the house on the hill, the two entered the home and went to the kitchen. There they met Gon's grandmother who smiled at the two boys. The raven and the albino left the groceries on the kitchen table and then Gon told his grandmother that they were going out for a while. Gon grabbed Killua's hand again and started running towards the forest and smiling at his friend. The two didn't notice the soft smile that crept on the grandmother's face at the sight of the two.

Gon and Killua arrived at the place where they stargazed during the first night when they came back to Whale Island. They sat down and looked at the nature surrounding them, while staying in a comfortable silence.

"What did you want to ask me, Killua?", the raven broke the quietness. The white haired boy blushed a bit, looked at the ground and waited for a few minutes before answering his friend.

"So, I've had this question for a while and the fact that I don't know the answer has been bugging me for a few days. I would've asked you before, but honestly for me asking you this is embarrassing. I'm getting off tracks, sorry. Anyways, my question is... What is love?", the albino asked shyly, the ground looking really interesting to him in that moment. Gon looked really surprised at the question his friend asked and, instead of answering, he asked another question.

"Why are you asking me?", he said, kind of confused of why the albino would've wanted to ask him this question. Killua looked back up, straight in Gon's eyes, and thought about it for a little while, he sighed and then he answered his friend's doubt.

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