Some headcanons

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- Ever since they separated, Killua has nightmares every night where he dreams of Gon telling him that he hates him and that he's happy because he doesn't have to be with him anymore

- Killua can't look at hospitals/hospital beds anymore because they remind him of when Gon almost died

- Gon cries himself to sleep because he feels like it's his fault that Killua tried committing suicide and the guilt is slowly destroying him

- Killua wants to go on other adventures with Gon, but he thinks that, now that he met Ging, Gon doesn't want to have to do anything with him anymore

- Killua is scared of accidentally killing Gon because he thinks he's still under Illumi's control and because of that he doesn't ask Gon to meet up anymore

- Gon feels like Alluka is replacing him and he feels like Killua doesn't care about him anymore

- Killua still thinks about committing suicide and he wanted to try to kill himself again but the thought of seeing Gon again is the only thing that's keeping him alive and stopping him from committing

- Gon loves kissing Killua's scars because the albino is very self conscious about them and Gon wants Killua to know that he loves him even with his scars

- Neither of them know how to cook but they both know how to bake so they have these little baking dates and they end up always covered in flour and chocolate and they have food wars with the ingredients of the sweets

- Gon puts flowers in Killua's hair, while Killua braids Gon's

- Killua wears eye-liner and sometimes, when he's tired or doesn't want to do it himself, Gon does it for him

- When they cuddle at home, Gon will randomly take a pen and draw a little heart on Killua's hand. Killua does the same

- Gon's favourite colour is light blue because it reminds him of Killua while Killua's is green because it reminds him of Gon

- They wear matching bracelets that Gon made for both of them

- When they cuddle Killua loves kissing the top of Gon's head while Gon loves kissing Killua's cheeks and nose

- They don't remember when their anniversary is and because of that they give each other small gifts almost every day. Their gifts are often
flowers, flower crowns, chocolate, ice cream or small dates in nice places that they both love

- Sometimes when they want to spend time together but don't want to do anything they'll just stay in bed, curtains closed, and just enjoy each other's company

- Gon constantly steals Killua's clothes. The albino secretly loves it

A/N: Here are some headcanons that I have. Sorry for not updating but I don't have many ideas in this period. Sorry!

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