How we got together [Fluff]

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[Trans!Killua AU / Modern!AU. Killua and Gon are both 16. Gonkillu?]

While Killua was having breakfast, he knew this was going to be a very important day in his life. He didn't know exactly why, he just had a feeling in his gut. He decided to shrug it off and not worry about it too much, knowing that it would only distract him.

After he finished eating his food, he got up from the table, he put his plates in the sink and he started washing them. After he was finished, he went up in his room to change out of his light blue pyjamas and to put on some better clothes for the day. He put on safely his binder (yes, Killua was a trans male) and over it he put on a blue, long sleeved turtleneck with a white t-shirt on top of it. He threw on a pair of grey sweatpants and he grabbed a white hoodie to put on later.

Today he decided to dress a little better than usual (not that he didn't dress well normally, today he just dressed better) because he was going out with his best friend of four years and long time crush: Gon Freecss. To look good in his crush's eyes, he put on the small silver necklace with a sapphire that Gon gifted him for his fourteenth birthday. He also clipped an earring with a gold thunderbolt on his left ear.

After he looked at himself in the full-body mirror in his room and decided that he was dressed well enough, the albino went downstairs to put on his shoes and go out. He put on a pair of shoes, put on his white hoodie and threw on his jacket. He grabbed the keys of his house and went out the door. He locked it and started walking to the place where he would meet his best friend.

As he was walking on the snowy streets of York New City, the feeling he felt that morning came back stronger. He tried pushing it down and not think about it, but it was too strong to ignore. He let out a frustrated sigh: not knowing what this feeling in his gut was for, made him go crazy.

After a few minutes of walking Killua arrived at a small café where he would've had to meet up with Gon. He went to the entrance and pushed open the door of the café, closing it behind him right after he went in the café.

He let his eyes wander over the different tables for a while until he saw who he was looking for: Gon. The raven was sat on a table a little far away from the others and he was looking at the snow falling outside from the big window of the café. The white haired boy walked up to him and, as he was standing in front of the green haired boy, he tapped lightly the other boy's left shoulder, making his presence known.

The raven looked away from the window and in Killua's direction. He smiled happily.

"Killua!", he exclaimed, his voice cheerful. The albino happily returned the excited smile.

"Hey Gon!", he said as he sat down on the chair in front of Gon. The two started to catch up a bit since they haven't seen each other for a few days because, for Christmas break, Gon went out of city to visit his aunt on Whale Island. As they were talking about the things they did in the past days, a waitress came to their table and asked them what their orders were.

"Hello, what can I get for such a lovely couple?", she asked the teens sweetly. The two boys looked at each other in embarrassment, both blushing.

"We-we're not a-a couple", Killua managed to say after a few seconds of uncomfortable silence. He had a huge red blush covering his cheeks and ears and in that moment he found the decorations on the table cloth way more interesting than before, so he concentrated himself on them.

"Oh, I'm sorry for assuming! It's just that, by the way you two look at each other, it seemed like you were dating. Sorry again for assuming!", the waitress said.

"Don't worry, don't say sorry for thinking that! It's ok! Anyways, I think I'll take a hot chocolate with whipped cream and he'll take a hot coffee with milk. Oh, and if it's not a problem, we'll both have a piece of the chocolate cake I saw on display!", Gon answered and ordered for both of them, breaking that awkward moment.

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