Dancing in the rain [Fluff]

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Songs used:
- 'Just For A Moment' by Olivia Rodrigo and Joshua Basset
- '1000 Years' by KT Tunstall and Bleu
- 'I Found' by Amber Run
- 'I Choose You' by Sara Bareilles

It was raining all over York New City. The roads were completely empty, with the exception of some people running with their jackets over their heads to shield themselves from the rain and some cars that were driving in the streets. In the outskirts of the city, the paths were covered in mud here and there and all over them there were lots of puddles, big and small. The grass was soaking wet and so were the roads.

In a small house in the suburbs of the city, a young teen boy was looking at the raindrops falling on the window. He was sat on a red armchair, a mug of fuming hot chocolate in his hands and his legs stretched out on a small wooden table in front of him. As he was staring outside the window, lost in his thoughts and completely relaxed, he didn't notice a boy with unusual white hair approaching him. Because of that, when the other teen male put a hand on his shoulders, he jumped a little bit.

"Killua! You scared me!", he whined. The albino just rolled his eyes in response as he took the mug away from the raven.

"Killua!", the green haired boy whined again as his warm drink was taken away from him. The other still didn't say anything. Instead, he put a hand under the boy's knees and the other behind his back. He lifted him up bridal style with ease and he sat back on the armchair, the raven laying on his lap and a small blush covering both of their cheeks.

"Killua? Is something wrong?", the raven asked the albino worried, since he was known for never being this cuddly and clingy, as he put a hand on the albino's cheek.

"No, sunshine, nothing is wrong. I just wanted to cuddle you and relax a bit together. You know, since it's raining and we can't train I thought that maybe we could spend time as a couple since, you know, we're dating and everything...", Killua said a little bit embarrassed, fidgeting nervously with the sleeves of his blue hoodie and looking away from the gaze of his lover's hazel eyes.

As he listened to Killua, instead of telling his partner that he was okay with cuddling, Gon smiled softly and laid his head on the albino's chest, relaxing in the other's arms. The two boys closed their eyes and just enjoyed each other's warmth and company. They stayed in their own world of peace and quiet for a while, the white haired boy occasionally planting kisses on top of the raven's head here and there.

After almost an hour of cuddling and relaxing together, Gon opened his eyes again because he knew that if he didn't do that, he would've fallen asleep. Not that he was complaining,  he would've loved to fall asleep in his partner's arms, but the last time he did it, Killua got annoyed at him because he made his arm stop working properly since he was napping on it. He looked at his boyfriend, whose eyes were also open, and saw that he was staring at him with love and an almost invisible smile on his face. He returned the smile. As they stayed on the armchair, still hugging, Gon looked outside the widow again. As he saw that the rain started to fall slower than before, he suddenly got an idea.

"Ne, Killua, I have an idea. Since it almost stopped raining, I was thinking that maybe we could go outside and dance under the rain! Plus, Kurapika and Leorio are out on a mission and they're going to be gone for a few days so they can't tell us that we're not allowed to go outside because of the rain!", Gon said excitedly. Killua, seeing the excited glimmer in his boyfriend's eyes, couldn't bring himself to refuse.

"We have a problem, though, sunshine... I don't know how to dance, I never got the chance to learn...", the albino pointed out, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment, cheeks a bit red and a little, goofy smile decorating his features. Right after he heard his boyfriend's confession, Gon's smile only got bigger.

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