Nightmares [Fluff]

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It was the third part of the Hunter Exam: the Trick Tower. The contestants were left on the top of the tall tower and they had only seventy-two hours to get to the base of it. One of the guys doing the exam tried climbing down the tower, but, before going down more than a few meters, he got eaten by some weird flying creatures.

Gon, Killua, Kurapika and Leorio started looking for a way to go down the tower. They kept searching for a solid half and hour, until the twelve year olds called the adults to tell them that they found five secret passages. The four friends got near one of the platforms each and, at the same moment, they stepped onto the closest to them, right after promising to see each other at the end of the tower.

Much to their surprise, they all ended up in the same room. As they looked around the room, they noticed a small table with five strange clocks on it. Hanged on the wall where the table was leaning, there was a sign written in hunter language. It said that they had do make decisions together to get out of the tower; the choice with most votes would've been the one they would've made, but it also said that the people who were needed to make the choices were supposed to be five. Since they were only four people, Gon, Killua, Kurapika and Leorio started waiting for someone to go into their room so that they could start the third part of the exam. In the meantime, they started to get to know each other better.

They had to wait for a solid two hours before someone fell into the room they were in. And with their luck, the person they were stuck with was the same person that tried to make them fail the previous tests: Tonpa. The four friends were already annoyed by him since, during the first choice, he voted on purpose the thing that they chose not to vote.

*~*~*~* Time Skip *~*~*~*

Gon, Killua, Kurapika, Leorio and Tonpa were locked into a small room for fifty hours, because Leorio lost them while gambling with one of the prisoners. Since they had to stay there for a bit more than two days, everyone tried to find something to do in the time they had to stay there.

The first ten hours passed and Kurapika read almost all of the books in the library that was in the room, Gon and Killua trained without getting too tired, Leorio joined them for a bit but giving up soon after and no one really cares about what Tonpa did. After a lot of time, that was a bit more than five hours, almost fifteen hours passed so they decided together that they would've gone to bed and sleep, so that the next day they would've had more energy to stay in the room. They all settled in different futons that were used as beds. Gon and Killua were near each other and so were Leorio and Kurapika; Tonpa was left in a little corner, ignored by everyone.

After a bit of time, precisely three hours, Gon heard some muffled whimpers coming from Killua's futon. As he grew worried for his new friend, he got out from under his covers and walked towards the white haired boy. As he got closer, he saw that said boy was crying in his sleep, but at the same time he was unconsciously trying to keep as quiet as possible. The green haired boy realised that Killua was probably having a nightmare and, from the looks of it, it looked like a pretty bad one. Since he didn't want his friend to suffer from a bad dream, Gon kneeled down next to Killua and tried to wake him up and get him to leave the nightmare he was having.

"Killua... Killua!", he said, his voice getting a bit louder, but still being low enough to not be heard by his sleeping companions, after seeing that the boy didn't wake up at the sound of his voice. While calling out for the albino, Gon started shaking him and, after a while, Killua suddenly sat up and woke up. He looked around scared and confused with teary eyes while Gon breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that his friend was now awake and out of his really bad nightmare.

"G-Gon?", Killua stuttered, while staring into the raven's eyes, still looking a bit shaken up because of his nightmare.

"I'm here, Killua. It was just a nightmare, you're safe now and no one can hurt you", Gon reassured him. He moved closer to the white haired teen and looked at him like he was asking for permission to invade his personal space. Killua just nodded. The green haired boy sat right in front of the other and hugged him tight, putting his arms around his waist. Killua hugged back. After a while, Killua started crying harder than before and tightening his grip around Gon's shoulders and neck. Gon just held him.

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