Chapter 18

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Spring of 2005

“Hi,” she beamed at the woman on the desk. “My name’s Phoebe Knowles.”

“Ah, yes, the law student?”

She nodded, wearing her best smile.

“You’re here to look at the Peter Thomas case from 1996?” the woman asked, looking at her computer.


“Do you have your letter?”

She nodded, handing the fake letter she managed to copy from the law department. Her heart skipped as the woman checked the paper. It only slowed down when the woman looked up with a smile. “Okay, I think this is good. Wait here.”

She waited.

Today, she would figure out everything.


March 31, 2011 (2:00pm)

“You know, you being a killer don’t bother me at all. But this—” he motioned his hands towards the wall, still gaping, “this is fucking alarming.”

She tried to hide her smile and said nothing. He continued to look at the wall with its series of strings, notes, pictures and markers.

“This is the guy you’re looking for?” he asked, pointing at the big question mark just below Stuart’s picture.

“Yes,” she answered, placing her hands inside her jean pockets, “I believe he was the one who planted the evidence. I know Cooper didn’t—he told me.”

“Then why did you kill him?”

“He was the liaison between Stuart and these men. I know he knows everything except who planted the evidence that led to Peter Thomas’ conviction.”

“And Halloway?”

“He and Simons bribed Bill Finn. They also set an agreement with the then judge who I’m afraid died two years ago.”

“You really did a very good research here. Fowler will be amazed.”


“The man I hired to find the killer and you,” he looked at her as he answered.

“When did you figure out it was me?”

“The day after Finn died,” he answered.

She just nodded, lifting her gaze back to the wall.

“So, now we still have to find this guy?”


“How about the killer?”

“He’ll be the last. If you want, I’d leave him to you.”

“I’d like that, but I agree. We’ll leave him for now. I have a guy tracing his steps. You won’t ask me where he is?”

“I’ll save that for later,” she turned around and walked back to the living room. He glanced one last time at her well-thought plan on the wall and followed her.

“Stuart will be hosting a party on Saturday,” she stated as he approached, “I want to be there.”

Sean understood what she meant, “It will be a pleasure to escort you.”

“I will need to be alone with him.”

“Are you going to—”

“No, I just need him to talk.”

After finally polishing their plan for the party, Sean left and she was alone at last.

If she could kill someone right now, it would be herself. Lightman was a sudden twist in her plan, but he was vital. It’s true what he said that she needed him—but could she trust him?

He was a victim too, the pro-Lightman voice said in her head.


She never trusted anyone aside from Peter. This was all new to her.

Decided, she went to her study.

It’s time to formulate Plan B in case Lightman would be stupid enough to do something wrong.

As Sean drove back home, he was thinking of only one person: Phoebe Knowles and her plan.

Yes, her plan was perfect, but it’s undeniable that she needed someone to execute it. And it’s him.

But does it bring him justice by helping someone kill? Does being an accomplice to a crime worth the retribution?

He shook his head, erasing the thought from his mind.

But the thought persisted. So much was at stake if her plan did not work out and his name got tangled along. He’d lose everything he had.

No, he chose this, and he’d see it to the last.

But still, he needed a fallback just in case…

He started to make his own plan.

Phoebe’s not the only player in this game anymore.

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