Chapter 24

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April 5, 2011 (5:00am)

Sean could’t still believe it. He never expected someone respectable could have been involved in the cover-up. The man was quite powerful in his own ways and if Sean was not careful, he could get in trouble.

He looked at Phoebe’s sleeping form beside him. He got up and dressed.

It’s time to take actions.

And finally stop all this.

He bent down and planted a goodbye kiss on the woman he’s going to send to another batch of tribulation.

I’m sorry, he whispered before closing her bedroom door.


She woke up alone in bed, feeling the gleam of sunrise through the window.

She didn’t expect Sean to stay. She knew he’s bothered by what they learned last night and she wouldn’t be surprised if he’d act on it soon.

Her plan was going to work, she promised.

Rising out of bed, she went to take a shower.

She better be prepared.


“Why the hell did you talk to the Senator?” Chief Carter scowled at Lawson and Tanaka. “He called the Mayor and the Mayor talked to me and do you know what that means?”

Of course they knew. It’s always the Chief’s ass on the line again.

“We just thought he’ll give us some information we needed about the cover-up,” Lawson explained.

“And let’s be wise here, chief,” Tanaka said in a haste, “Senator Stuart may be involved in this cover-up, Senator or not.”

“Don’t you think I know that?” the older man shouted, “I know how important this cover-up means to the case, but I’m asking you to leave Senator Stuart alone. Get information somewhere else.”


“No buts, dammit! Stuart is not an easy man when disappointed!”


“I don’t want to hear anymore of your reasons, Tanaka,” he snapped.

“He already agreed to meet us today,” Lawson said with etch of desperation.

“Well, his call said he’s not happy about it, so cancel it.”


Sean had been sitting inside his office for a long time now, just staring at the phone. He had been contemplating real hard…hesitating.

Finally, with every nerve in his body, he willed his hand to pick up the phone and dialed the number.

He may not like what he would do, but this was all for the best.

As he waited for the call to connect, he closed his eyes and Phoebe’s face flashed in his mind. He shook it off. This was no time to concern himself of his feelings.

“Yes?” the voice he had heard only once asked from the other line.

“Chief Paul Carter?” Sean asked in a neutral voice.

“Yes, how may I help you?”

“This is Sean Lightman.” He waited for his answer to sink in before he continued, “I have information about the green-eyed killer.”

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